is used for storing, retrieving and modifying data pertaining to both user, workspace, organization, project and task management as well as annotation. It will be further enhanced to have functions to automate certain functionalities like extraction of data, generation of machine translation, and cleaning up audio.
for showing different UIs to the annotators/ language experts based on the annotation task to be done. These templates are Javascript XML (JSX) files which use tags to handle the visual layout of the annotation page as well as to specify the data to be annotated. Label Studio Frontend supports both in-built templates as well as custom templates developed by the user. In the current Shoonya version 0.1, OCR annotation task uses the existing template of Label Studio and the translation tasks (monolingual translation and translation editing) use the custom templates.
Shoonya Backend Models
With Shoonya being built using Django REST Framework and Python, a Django model represents a database table with each of its attributes representing a field. All the Django models pertaining to user, workspace, organization, project, task and data management are present