Last Updated: 1/6/23
Currently we utilize RainFocus hardware and software to execute our onsite registration. This consists of a number of different components:
Check-in Kiosks
Badge Printers
Badge Stock & Lanyards
A private VLAN network
An onsite server (called SATURN)
Various counters/stands to hold equipment
Numerous power drops

High-Level Overview of Check-in Workflow
Attendee types in email or scans express check-in QR code at Kiosk
Kiosk talks to SATURN server across VLAN to verify the registration status of the attendee:
If attendee does not meet registration requirements for check-in, an error message (that is stored on the SATURN server) will return to the Kiosk screen
If attendee does meet the registration requirements for check-in, proceed to step 3
SATURN server sends the print job to the print server that the kiosk is mapped to and marks attendee as checked in (with the appropriate printer)
Print Server (which houses all of the badge rules and layout) sends the job to the printer
Badge Prints

Important Notes for Above:
The reason RainFocus utilizes an onsite server (SATURN) is to reduce overall risk in the event we were to lose internet access. If internet were to go down, the registration system would continue to be able to print without interruption. However it is important to note that as long as the internet is down, any updates made in RainFocus admin will NOT sync down to SATURN.
SATURN server sync with RainFocus Admin automatically every 2 minutes. So any changes made in admin will not update in real time on the onsite server.
RainFocus always brings more than on SATURN server. They set it up in a way that if one were to fail the other can automatically be swapped to. This is a very rare case but it has happened before.
The SATURN server needs to be stored in a secure location, ideally an office that can be locked.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.