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cells of similar type that work together form tissue.
4 kinds:
lives surfaces inside and outside of the body
important in forming glands( cluster of cells that secrete something) and ducts
# of layers, shape of cells
1 layer- simple epithelium
2 or more layers- stratified epithelium
squamous- flat, irregular shape, like fried egg
form linings
simple or stratified
protect against abrasions
cuboidal- cube-shaped
secretion/ glands
usually in simple layer\glands
columnar- column-shaped cell

connects tissues together, other body parts, protection, support, cushioning of other tissues
loose connective tissues- a gel-like network of proteins and cells that support tissues above it.
dense connective tissue- strap like → ligaments; bone to bone, or tendons; muscle to bone
cartilage- flexible but rigid
bone- harder, mineralized
stores calcium
produces all blood cells and cells of the immune system
blood- liquid connective tissue (plasma- fluid part)
all the nuterients, wastes, antibodies, hormones, etc. are dissolved and circulated by the blood
adipose- fat storage, energy, hormnones, cushioning and insulation
responsible for general movement externally
moves things inside our bodies as well
voluntary control
skeletal muscle: voluntary, striated with many nuclei
smooth muscle: involuntary, not striated
cardiac muscle: heart, involuntary, striated, intercalated discs
nervous tissue
important to sensing and responding to our internal/external conditions
spinal cord
everywhere you have a nerve/ feel pain
some organs
emotions and thought

Organs will have 2 or more tissues that work together to do a task.
organs that do a related job (like a body process)form organ systems.

anterior- pigs head end
posterior- tail end
dorsal- pigs back
ventral- belly
midline- down the middle of the body

differences between humans and pigs
urinary system- filtering our blood and removing waste
kidneys- filter blood and produce urine from the blood waste
ureters- tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
bladder- a muscular sac that stores and expels of the urine.
urethra- tube that drains urine from the bladder to outside
different in both sexes
human and pigs!

Sex organs
male reproductive systems
testes- primary sex organ (sperms, hormones)
epididymis- sperm is stored/ matured
vasdefferns =carry sperm from the epididymis to the urethra
in males, the urethra is used for dispelling sperm and urine.
in males, the urethra runs through the penis
in pig, find urethra right by umbilical cord. under the skin
female reproductive systems
ovaries- primary sex organ, makes eggs and hormones
uterine/fallopian tubes- carry eggs from ovaries to uterus.
uterus- organ that holds the fetus

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