Chemistry of food

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Cellular Respiration

Metabolism- collection of chemical reactions that are occurring in the cells for their functions
catabolic pathways- break down complex molecules into simpler ones (degradation reactions) PRODUCE ENERGY
anabolic pathways- They take simpler molecules and build complex molecules from the simpler ones (synthesis reaction) REQUIRE ENERGY

ATP: energy currency of life

ATP- major energy molecule for cells
(adenine triphosphates)
you’re able to change the shapes of some molecules, adding and removing phosphates allows other molecules to change their shape: and do work for the cell. REVERSIBLE (called atd when you do this process)
ATP also helps with cells maintain chemical gradients.
energy is stored in the covalent bonds of our foods.

carrier molecules

NAD+ + H+e- → NADH
“empty “ “loaded”
carrier. carrier
C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 +6 H2 O + ATP
glucose + oxygen. → carbon dioxide + water + energy

cellular respiration involves several sets of chemical reactions
all occurring in the mitochondria, in the presence of O2.
1) glycolysis- occurs in the cytoplasm regardless of the presence of oxygen.
2) citric acid cycle/Kreb’s cycle/TCA cycle
3) electron transport chain + ATP synthesis.

if O2 is not present in a cell: fermentation
lactic acid fermentation
pyruvate is converted to lactate
reset NADH to NAD+
small amount of ATP
alcohol fermentation
reset NADH to NAD+
CO2 + ethanol from pyruvate

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