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Asking for Data

Some of the data, particularly from other Source Organisations, may not be available for the vulnerability Purpose, so that the controller for that information needs to be ‘asked’ to provide it.
To access information, the Source Organisation will need to;
agree in principle ( or not ) to the Lawful and Ethical reuse of their data, for the vulnerability Purpose
be convinced that their information is necessary and valuable
set out the terms of use for their data, including security, and information life-cycle arrangements
If agreement is reached, the Source Organisation will need to
set up a data product which may include a transformation to match the requirements and minimise data disclosure



Ask for Data

See in the SAVVI Information Governance Framework.


Data Not Provided

If the Source Organisation will not provide the data, the initiative should not attempt to build a cohort, but instead focus on
working to unblock access,
find other sources of the Risk Factors
remove the data from the Risk Model


Set Up a Data Product

Data Products can be designed as

how to access …?
a snapshot, such as a data file, that can be produced periodically
so that data is ‘pulled’ on request
what format …?
a two-dimensional data file such as a spreadsheet with rows and columns
a structured file with a schema and a data dictionary
a message in
what contents …?
ask for one specific record
a filtered set of records
what controls?
terms and conditions
secure access
identity management
audit trail

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