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Define the Purpose of the Vulnerability Initiative

The SAVVI Concept Model defines ‘Purpose’ as
The remit that an Organisation has to carry out an initiative covering one or more VULNERABILITYs.
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The ‘Purpose’ is not the Vulnerability(s) itself. ‘Purpose’ should be a recognised function of the Lead Organisation, that gives it the remit to address a set of Vulnerabilities. This ‘Purpose’ will become important when requesting data, that was originally collected for another purpose, to be reused for this new Purpose.
It is important to establish the Purpose at this early stage as much of the Information Governance will be founded on it. Avoid being vague as those that you will want to ask for data from, will expect clarity as to what their data is to be used for.
Examples of Purpose include
Civil Contingencies
Homeless Prevention
Child Poverty
Supporting Families
… so long as they can be linked to a power or duty that gives a remit for the work.
The 'Purpose Definition' that is output from this step should be usable by others who want to run a similar initiative, so avoid describing the local context for the initiative in this step.



Define the Purpose of the Vulnerability Initiative

including …
a one-line title of the Purpose.
the powers or duties that give the remit
useful definitions of terms that are set out in law, or from authoritative sources.
the metrics that are useful comparisons
using the SAVVI Purpose Template. See .


No Power or Duty?

Where the Lead Organisation is not able to satisfy itself that it has a power or duty to carry out the Purpose then, this initiative should not continue as reusing data is likely to be unlawful. Consider working with organisations that do have the necessary power or duty.

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