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Check that the Data is Fit for Purpose

Understand the Data Quality of the data, and compare that to the requirements of the Risk Model
For example;
data may only cover certain segments of the population
data may be unverified
data may not be up-to-date
Where the Data Quality is not sufficient, reconsider how the Risk Factor features in the Risk Model, and/or the Ethics Assessment.
Each group of Risk Factors from the same combination of
Source Organisation
Information Type
should be considered in turn.



Data Quality Assessment

For each Information Type, a Data Quality assessment is made.
See in the SAVVI Information Governance Framework.
using the SAVVI Data Quality Assessment Template.

Is the Data Fit for the New Purpose?

Review the Data Quality Assessment and compare the assumptions in the Risk Model.


Data Not Fit for Purpose

If the data quality is not sufficient, the initiative should not attempt to build a cohort, but instead focus on finding other sources that could replace or complement the data.
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