SAVVI is proposing Data Standards towards achieving the which includes
avoid single-use databases that can only tackle one type of vulnerability in a fixed way;
encourage technology and service suppliers to innovate with modular solutions that can be interconnected and reused;
unlock access to data
reuse investments in platforms, tools, processes, trust networks etc
enable success to be repeated elsewhere without relying on the same products and partners
With these standards, we can
create common lists of terms for Risk Factors, Needs, Service Types, and so on;
catalogue how Vulnerability has been tackled so that it can be repeated;
define common formats and protocols for access to data

The Standards

Defining the key concepts that enable data to flow around the SAVVI Process.
Defining data entities and their fields as the basis for data sharing.
Defining the structure and values of complex or re-usable data fields.
Defining messages for Interoperability
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Setting Standards

SAVVI is working to get standards for vulnerability adopted across the UK Public Sector.

The SAVVI Proposals to the DSA Working Group

Here are the latest proposal from SAVVI, to the DSA working group.
Proposal for a Concept Model to the CDDO Data Standards Authority Vulnerability Working Group.pdf
2.1 MB
SAVVI to DSA Working Group - June 2024.pdf
1.6 MB
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