Rippey 5.0 Guide - Employees
7. Processing - Emails

icon picker
7.1. Screen Layout

The Processing screen is divided into two sections: Sidebar and Email Wrapper.
Email Processing Screen


The Sidebar is positioned on the left side of the screen and is designed to be hid-able, allowing users to maximize the space dedicated to the Email Wrapper for an enhanced user experience.
Sidebar with Email List

Sidebar - Inbox View

Row 1

Within the Sidebar, the first row features two things: All Emails dropdown and Chevron-Left icon.
Row 1 in Sidebar
The All Emails dropdown offers users various options that determine the contents of the Transaction List below. These options include transactions assigned to the user, custom queues or groups of transactions created by the user, and all emails/ transactions. ​
All Emails Dropdown
The Chevron-Left icon closes the sidebar. When the sidebar is closed, it is replaced by Chevron-Right icon which opens the sidebar again.

Row 2

In the Sidebar, the second row consists of tabs similar to the one in Overview page with two options: Inbox and Files. The Inbox tab shows list of all the emails sent to the dashboard or the documents uploaded there. The Files tab shows the list of files attached to the email selected in the Inbox tab. These tabs are linked to the ones in the Overview page in order to make the interaction between these pages more in sync which is explained further in detail at the end of this page.
Second row in Sidebar

Row 3

In the Sidebar, the third row offers essential tools for streamlined navigation and data refinement: a Mail icon, a Search icon and a Filter icon.
Third Row in Sidebar
The Mail button allows user to refresh the Inbox to check if any new mails have been received.
The Search icon opens the search box which allows user to search for transactions and documents in the similar manner as it does in our old dashboard.
The Filter dropdown is similar to the one on our Overview page. Unlike the old dashboard's filter, this one offers many more options. Users can choose from a wide range of filters to customize their transaction views, making sure they get exactly what they need from the system.
Filter dropdown

Row 4

In the Sidebar, the fourth row introduces a convenient feature: quick filters for Transaction Statuses. It will show the number of Success, Need Review and Failed/ Error transactions present in the list.
Fourth Row in the Sidebar
Each Status filter is interactive, allowing users to refine their view with a single click. By leveraging this functionality, users can effortlessly focus on transactions of interest, enhancing efficiency and productivity. Only one filter can be applied at one time.

Inbox List

After this section comes the Inbox List. The Inbox List shows all emails with detailed information. Unlike the sidebar present in our old dashboard, this new design offers much more data per transaction.
Transaction card
Each transaction card includes:
Sender Name
Review Status(Yellow Shield → Not Reviewed/ Green Shield → Reviewed)
Time Received/ Start Time
Sender’s Email Address
Date Received
Email Subject
Transaction Status(Success/ Error/ Need Review/ Failed)
Execution Count
Things to Remember:
Email subject can take maximum two rows of space. If the name of the Email Subject is longer, then ellipsis [...] will be used to hide the remaining subject name.
If the Sidebar is set to Assigned To Me, then the list will only be containing transactions that have not been reviewed. As the user processes the transactions and sets the Review Status to Reviewed, the transaction will disappear from the list. This is only in the case where the Sidebar is based on transactions that has been set to Assigned To Me.

When you click on an email, the contents of Sidebar switches to a view where you can see all the details of the selected email.


At the end of the Sidebar, we have the pagination for users to navigate through various pages.

Sidebar - Files View

When you switch to the Files tab or click on the attachments present inside a transaction card, the contents of Sidebar switches to a view where you can see all the details of the selected transaction. It also lists out any attachments related to that transaction.
[Yet to be done]

Email Wrapper

The Email Wrapper is where the actual Production Monitoring will take place. Based on which email has been selected in the Sidebar, the Email Wrapper will show the processing details accordingly.
Email Wrapper

Email Header

The first row in this section is a Email Header which consists of all the email level actions that a user can take. It consist of series of buttons and actions that user can take on email level.
Email Header
The details on each component present in this header is explained below from left-to-right.
Left-Side Actions:
The Left Arrow button is to switch to previous email in the queue. This button will remain disabled if the user is in first email.
The text area shows the Sequence of Emails. It indicates that the queue of emails consists of 10 emails and the user is in second one.
The Email Subject will show the subject of the transaction that the user is in. This will be in dropdown form inside where the user can see and change the logs of the transaction as well as Archive the transaction itself. The logs will also show the name of the user who had last executed the transaction.
Email Subject Dropdown
Right-Side Actions:
The Re-Execute icon will re-execute the flow from currently active state onwards.
The Refresh icon will refresh the workflow step they’re in to view the changes they have saved.
The Menu icon will open a dropdown with various layout option which will allow users to set the layout of the Processing page as they prefer.
Layout Options
The options that the dropdown provides are:
Fullscreen: This will remove the browser tabs and other stuffs.
Navigation: This will hide the Primary and Secondary Navigation of the dashboard.
Sidebar: This will hide the Email List at the side of the screen.
The Categorization will allow user to categorize the email on what error they have as well as add a remark for clearer explanation and resolution.
Category Dropdown
The Review/Not Reviewed button is clickable which will change the status of the email from Reviewed → Not Reviewed and vice versa.
The Right Arrow button is to switch to next email in the queue. This button will remain disabled if the user is in last email.

Workflow Steps

Workflow Steps

Workflow Step Contents

After the Workflow Steps, we have the contents that come under each step. Each of these step show different content for the transaction flow.
Details of each workflow step and how it functions is present in the next page.

Dashboard Interaction

Initiate processing from Overview / Inbox
User selects Email from Inbox in Overview > Lands in Processing > Sidebar shows Inbox and selected Email is highlighted. Capture Data State shows the first File inside the selected Email.
If a user has applied a filter to the Inbox view in Overview and clicked on a transaction, then they’ll be directed to that transaction in the Processing page with that filter already applied to the list.
Initiate processing from Overview / Quote-Level
User selects quote from Default Email in Overview > Lands in Processing > Sidebar active tab is Files.
If a user applies a filter to the quote-level view and clicks on a quote, then they’ll be directed to that transaction that has the quote selected. But the filter will not be applied to the list in Processing page.
Back to Overview link
The Back to Overview link present in the secondary navigation will allow user to go back to the exact transaction they had selected from the Overview regardless of the page and position of the transaction before being directed to the Processing page.
Let’s take a use case. In Overview page, a user clicks on a transaction that is present in 5th page on 6th row. The user will be directed to that transaction in the same position in the Processing page and when the click on the Back to Overview link from there, they’ll be directed to the Overview page on 5th page with the 6th row highlighted.

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