This screen is a consolidated view of all the Email Automation clients that the user is responsible for.
This screen is divided into two sections: Statistics Cards and Report Table.
Emails > All Clients > Overview
Statistics Card
Statistics Card
The statistics will show stats of a combination of all Email Automation clients combined that the user is responsible for. Along with it, the statistics will also have a Quick Date Filter drop down that allows users to view these statistics on the basis of different time intervals.
Quick Date Filter
The statistics shown in the screenshot above are:
Total Received
Total Processed
Quote Generated
Need Review
Estimated Time Saved (in Hours and Minutes)
All of the statistics are calculated based on quotes that gets generated in the dashboard.
Report Table
Report table in Emails > Client View > Overview
The contents of the table varies according to the user role and type. Admins and Managers will have statistics driven data in this table whereas Analysts will have task-driven data in this table.
Rippey Admins and Rippey Managers
Report table in Emails > Client View > Overview (Rippey Admin and Manager)
The columns in the table are described below:
Column Name
Column Name
Client Name
Name of the Client with their picture
Total emails sent by the client
Total emails that has Success as their status
Total emails that has Error or Failed as their status
Total emails that have been Unreviewed
Assigned To
Users who have been assigned to the client. This will show a maximum of 3 users profile in the Avatar Group and will have a “+” icon. When we hover over a user profile, a tooltip with the users full name will be shown. When clicked on the “+” icon, a dropdown with the list of all users assigned to that dashboard will be shown.
Users can take various client specific actions from here. The View action will direct user to that clients dashboard. Clicking on the Menu icon will provide users various options:
→ Client Profile - - →Directs to Clients > Client Name > Client Profile
→ Client Structure- - →Directs to Clients > Client Name > Client Structure
→ BOT Email Addresses- - →Opens an overlay with a list of all the bot emails based on different branches of that client [Yet to be added]
Total number of Unreviewed emails that has been Assigned to me
Error/ Failed
Total emails that has Error or Failed as their status
Users can take various client specific actions from here. The View action will direct user to that clients dashboard. Clicking on the Menu icon will provide users various options:
→ BOT Email Addresses- - →Opens an overlay with a list of all the bot emails based on different branches of that client [Yet to be added]