Rippey 5.0 Guide - Employees

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9. Users

Only Admin and Manager have access to this page
In Users, administrators and managers can perform comprehensive tasks such as managing user details and viewing their roles and permissions.
The secondary navigation shows 3 tabs: All Users, Client Users and Rippey Users.
Secondary navigation in Users

All Users

This is the page where user lands in as they click the Users tab from the navigation bar. This page consists of basic details related to each and every user(both Client user and Rippey user).
Users > All Users
Create User Modal
The Create User button in the top right of this page is for creating new users. A modal opens when the button is clicked.
Create User [Rippey User]
Create User [Client User]
The User Type will help to determine whether the user is an employee of Rippey or an employee of clients side. This option will determine the rest of the content for this modal.
The Select Client option will only be shown when the selected User Type is Client User. This will then show a list of clients in the dropdown. If a client is missing, then user can click on the option to Create New Client which will take the user to Create Client Modal.
The Basic Details of a user is filled in this page such as their name, contact number and email.
Users will also be assigned a Policy based on what permissions are to be granted to them. If a policy is missing from the dropdown, then they can click on the Add New Policy action which will redirect them to Access Policies screen. For managers who do not have access to Access Policies screen, this option will not be present.
The Time Zone for a user will be in GMT format.
Admins will also Set Password for the user.
After filling in the details, when a user clicks Add User button, a prompt opens informing that the user has been successfully created and ask if the user would like to add another user. If clicked, that would simply take the user back to Add User Modal.
User successfully created
Users List
Table in Users > All Users
The table in the All Users screen shows a list of users with the following columns:
Column Name
Rippey User
Client User
User Name
Name of the Rippey User
Name of the Client User
Client Name
For Rippey user, this column will only show Rippey User since a single user might be associated to multiple clients
For Client User, this column will show the name of client they’re affiliated to
Number of branches they have been assigned to
[This will have a value after branching is introduced in the dashboard]
Number of branches they have been assigned to
[This will have a value after branching is introduced in the dashboard]
Date Added
The date on which user was created
The date on which the user was created
User Policy
The role/policy they have been assigned
The role/policy they have been assigned
Action column consists of a link named Profile which will take you to their profile page [Explained in more detail below]
Action column consists of a link named Profile which will take you to their profile page [Explained in more detail below]
There are no rows in this table
Profile Action
The Profile action in each user’s row will allow to manage the user's profile and see their policies and permissions. When the user goes to Profile, they will be first directed to the Users > [User Name] > User’s Profile page. The secondary navigation changes as well and shows two different tabs: User Profile and View Permissions.

User Profile

Users > [User Name] > User Profile
All the basic details regarding a user will be shown in this screen.
Users can use their preferred Time Format to be shown in the dashboard and select their Time Zone.
Users can also Change Password of other users in case they ever forget.

View Permissions

Users >[User Name] > View Permission
The View Permissions page will consist of a read-only version of all the permissions the user has been granted. This page consists of the Policy that the user was assigned and the Permissions that are configured to the Policy.

Client Users

The Client Users page shares same properties as the All Users page. The only distinction lies in the fact that the displayed users list will specifically feature users on the client side.
Users > Client Users

Rippey Users

The Rippey Users page shares same properties as the All Users page. The only distinction lies in the fact that the displayed users list will specifically feature users on Rippey’s side.
Users > Rippey Users

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