Rippey 5.0 Guide - Employees

icon picker
3. Documents > Client View

This screen is the client view of a Document Automation client. When a client switches into a clients dashboard, this is the view that they will be able to see.
The secondary navigation will change to adapt to show the information as clients want. It will consist of Overview, Processing, Data Management, Document Configuration and Settings.
Secondary Navigation for Documents > Client View > Overview


Documents > Client View > Overview
The Overview page will provide a summarized view of statistics and all the ongoing transaction details of the client.
In the case where a client has more than one operation, than it will be represented in the primary navigation under the Documents tab. As shown in the screen shot below, the Documents tab will have a dropdown under which the access to various operations of the client will be present.
Two different operations of client dashboard

The main screen is divided into two sections. The upper section contains overall statistics of the client and the lower section contains a report view of all the documents sent by the client. If a client has multiple branches, then the user will be able to manage it from this screen as well.

Statistics Section

The Statistics section consists of 5 different stats related to the selected client. The statistics that is shown here are:
Statistics Section
Total Received
Total Processed
Need Review
Estimated Time Saved (in Hours and Minutes)
Extraction Rate (in Percentage)
The statistics section will have a Quick Date Filter drop down that allows users to view these statistics on the basis of different time intervals. Users can set the filter to fixed time intervals.
Quick Date Filter
The Show BOT Emails button will open a modal with the list of all the bot emails for different operations and branches the client has.
BOT Emails Overlay
The Export Data button will export the report in the Report section below. The Schedule Report button will allow any user in that dashboard to schedule the timing of the report generated from the dashboard to send it to an email.

Report table Section

Report Table in Client Overview
This section will be a summary of everything sent by the clients in both Transaction level and File level. Let’s go through each and every button and actions present in this section from the top:
The Branches icon is under development. It will open a sidebar which will show a list of all the branches the client has. Users will be able to make selection for the emails and files they want to see for selective number of branches as they prefer.
The All Emails dropdown will give the users an option to change the transactions shown in the table. The list allows users to change the contents based on what they have been assigned, custom queues they have created and everything they have received as well.
All Emails Dropdown
The Table Views will have two views present in the table by default. The Inbox view will have contents based on transaction details. The Files view will be similar to the one in our old dashboard where each row of the table represents the file sent inside the transaction. Users will also be able to create custom views and edit it as they prefer.
Table Views
If the user wants to create a new custom view, then they can click on the “...” icon and a dropdown will appear with the list of all the views.
Custom Views Dropdown
Here, clicking on the +Add View option at the end will open a side overlay from where user can create a new view. The “...” option on each row will allow user to set that view as a default. When a view is set as the default, it will automatically be the first view displayed each time the user opens the Overview screen.
The Search bar allows user to search transactions and files they prefer.
The Filter icon allows the user to filter the table contents as they want to view.
Filter dropdown
The Edit Columns icon allows the user to edit the arrangement of columns as they prefer to view.
Edit Columns Dropdown
The Active Filters row will only be present when there is a filter applied to the table or if the columns have been sorted. Users can clear the applied filter all at once or one by one as well.
Active Filter
Then, we have the table itself which will change based on the view selected. The details shown in this table is based on the view selected.
Inbox View: Table will be based on transaction level details.
Files View: Table will be based on documents present inside each email.
When a user selects two or more transactions through the checkboxes present in the Inbox view, a new row of actions will appear at the top of the table. The Bulk Actions row will allow users to perform various actions regarding the transactions in bulk.
Bulk Actions
Assign to User: This option will allow users to assign the selected transactions to a user or themselves. This will show a dropdown with the list of users who have access to that client’s dashboard.
Assign To User dropdown
Unassign from User(s): This will remove the users that are assigned to the selected transactions.
Add to Queue: This will allow users to add the selected transactions to a queue and send them to processing page. When this button is selected, then a modal will be presented to the user with following options:
Queue Selection Modal
Queue Name: Naming the queue made from the selected transaction.
Process: Send the selected transactions in a queue and go to Processing page with that queue.
Archive the selected transactions
Cancel the selection.


Since the contents of the Processing page is lengthy, we will be covering it in the next page.
Link to Processing →

Data Management

The Data Management screen remains the same as the current dashboard.
Documents > Client View > Data Management

Document Configuration

The Document Configuration screen remains the same as the current dashboard.
Documents > Client View > Document Configuration


The Settings screen remains the same as the current dashboard.
Documents > Client View > Settings

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.