PRD - Task 2 - Super proctor <> Proctor Chatbox

A chatbox system between superproctor and proctor for proper guidance and status for the proctors during the exam phase
User stories
As a superproctor/QC agent, I should be able to
send a direct message in the chatbox to all proctors who are in a particular status who are assigned to me
send a direct message in the chatbox to a particular proctor who is assigned to me
see which messages have been sent and which messages have been delivered to the proctors
see when the message was sent
see the sender of the message in a group chatbox
see the chat history with a particular proctor
see the chat history of group chatbox
As a proctor, I should be able to
send direct message to supervisor to clear my doubts and solve problems during the drive
read the FAQs to resolve my queries instantly
send/read a direct message to/from the supervisor to clear my doubts
read a group message from the supervisor to clear my doubts
see which messages have been sent and which messages have been delivered to the supervisor
see when a particular message was sent
see the sender of the message in a group chatbox (operations will be labeled as “”)
see the chat history with the supervisor
Note -
Chatbox are specific to a drive
Chatbox will appear as a separate section in for project owners
Chatbox will appear as “Need Help? Contact Supervisor” in project dashboard page for proctors
Chat History basically consists of
The message
The sender
The time at when the message is sent
Status of message (sent / not sent / delivered)
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