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Feb: Pioneers Incubation

Q: We are working on the App for the two and a half years, how is it useful for the participants?
A: We are actually working on the App for 10 years. It has enables us to do what we have been able to deliver to our customers.

Aspirational Projects:
CTD Stories - Create a Podcast
CTD event as a TV Show, later maybe sponsored by a streaming service

Four Modes:
Learning (LMS)

Introducing -
Moving to NACH Payments
uP! Consultations to happen online, accelerate format. It has following benefits:
Expenses on the consultations by the business from 2.5 crore to 1 crore
Enhanced EIT education as uP! diagnostics are easier to enter to than CTD
Capacity building
Utilising the opportunities to shadow A&H

Action Items:
Sales Training by Antano
40 Videos in a month to be delivered by Preethi
Helmet demonstration at CTD
as a platform to get invites for speaking about neurotech alternatives’
Positioning to enhance through Blog Articles hence becoming a funnel - Puru

Marketing Report to be submitted by Monday by team Harini and Asif.
The team is going to look at the opportunities converted, i.e., 10-15% that is current to reach 200%

‘’Branding V/s Video Release’’ - Clarity by Monday discussion

Shazam is synonymous to Predictive Intelligence in our business.
Highest level of Predictive Intelligence is knowing what will develop Predictive Intelligence for another person. 2 second context: Child crossing the road.

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