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28th: Pioneers' Meet

CTD Artist - Installation Artist: A & H, Fellowship, Sales’ Artists 15-20 people (whoever qualifies 15 and above), Closing team of Joshua & Hari, 1 hour Persuasion Masterclass for B!G Participants, Bring the difference between change work and installations for the EIS and EIT Participants
The purpose of Installation is to provide an outcome that is larger than what the person has expected. We need to educate the EIS and they’ll behave and won’t come in the way of our Sales. Three Zoom calls for Positioning & Branding
People who have attended only 1 uP!, we can run Pre-CPM during uP! Accelerator event. One call for only these 15 people,
By March 10th, the bootstrapping is paused until June 8th. The projects that are started should be maintained. Communication should go like this product is created for you because you came up with a unique requirement. Hiring continues
One of the usability discovery is our products are One to Many. When a person comes and goes back, they are taking the benefit back to their family members
CTD Mastermind: Bindu/Vinita whoever is available
Logistics: Siva to book the tickets
Team Role
Assets from office for the event
Fellowship + Bindu, Preethi and Puru for Installations, role to be defined
20 Installation Artists required on field
uP! Accelerator - Venue charges will be informed after the number of participants is confirmed

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