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25th April: Pioneers' Meet

Event, Business, capacity Filter:
Antano not delivering CPM event end to end. Capacity building for CPM. Fellowship doing Mastermind for CPM event this time: Chandrika, Bindu, Preethi, Puru
Antano doing Q/A. Hybrid CPM program
All the batches of CPM done and ready so as available to use
Sutapa Getting all the modules ready
We need to roll out 1, 3, 5, 10 year extensions to BiG, LYL registrations
No free Consultations. We can do Evolution Mapping free. The App to communicate these on time. Sales team gets this information on time
Would you like a complimentary Evolution Mapping or would you like Diagnostics.
You have consumed these many Consultations, these many are left
7. Between LYL and BiG, the time commitment is 5X. So, if we have a program between LYL and BiG. People think. We need to find out two more pricing for BiG
8. BiG 15 Lakhs won’t have access to Super Masters and Charisma program. They’ll have access to Accelerator events. Current pricing goes to 25 Lakhs
9. For coaches, trainers: uP! + CPM + something else at a lower rate, called as ‘BiG Incubator’. People ready after 1 year to trade their time for capacity for A&H, e.g. Mouli’s friend.
10. HPC at the Accelerator Event to sell as a Masterclass for trainers, coaches, 2000 bucks.
11. Documentation of BiG versions, uP! Continuity to be done this week
12. Finishing Consultations for the Diagnostics to happen this week
13. At this uP!, we can have the counter that’s running at the number of Breakthroughs in-time
14. From day 1, the frame can be, Can you learn like ‘Never Before’
15. uP! Finale or uP! Visibility: HPC to be done for this
(Giving away charts, I have Superior Capabilities Installed), (Achievement log)
- We must drive it
16. Basic features of rollout: Anonymous, Groups I can choose what I post, Choosing business Teams or A&H Team. People can post easily. They have the options sometimes to post
17. Different lists should go in the ATC so that they inductively learn the ATC thinking that A&H have out in making that ATC
App List:
-Aid in EIT Education
18. Thamizh can come for the Chennai event as there’s already stuff to work upon. Ajay will shoot the Masterclasses
19. We need the final count for uP! We need to communicate, how many people are coming, and how many fellowship consultations are happening and how many Expanding Horizons are happening
20. Capacity: Having a Bindu equivalent meeting the participants before they meet A&H for EHC
21. ATC to be given in print
22. Disclaimer: Consent to use PHQ
23. Finance Agreement to be created as the product is 24 months and the EMIs are 30 months
24. Transcribing ATCs
25. Something they need to go back home with - Physical!
26. Group call to see new LYL, B!G Participants - no complimentary 10 mins meet & greet, but just a group call to see them!
27. uP Life Aspiration report
28. Photograph on app - ATC to include photograph
29. If they come at the end for the uP!, an EIS who’s not yet ready for Installations will do their ATC.
30. Disclaimer: I understand uP! arena is not the time for Diagnostics..........
31. Registration process: It includes the document, finance document, ATCs, App installations, General document, Know Your journey, Registration through Zoho participation
32. 160 sales are done. we will reach 300 sales by the end of May
33. Before August, can we be ready with capacity that sales opportunities are not missed. but sales people need to come to uP! for them to sell for us. They can get done with their pre-requisite training till they get ready
34. Automation of Sales: End to end sales are automated except the 15 minutes call the consultant does
35. Basic Validation is done for the Advanced Pipeline of Marketing Team
36. Video Release: Dependent on Antano. 2 Videos going out on YouTube every week
37. Urgent Hire: We need an Music director with Sound engineering background, whose passion is music.
38. Marketing Team to show the time-table for the videos to go out timely release
39. A&H CRM:
40. Branding: We are releasing Time-Compression Documentaries before we go for uP!
41. Instagram: Will be discussed off the meeting
42. Customer Support: Sunil will oversee
43. After uP!, marathon of Installation Concerts, Hospitals, Schools. Everything is automated from sales, branding, marketing
44. Siva: Any product experience, Joshua’s also talking about they sign up to making sure they show uP to the product’s next stages - Sales, on-boarding, communication, showing uP!
45. Communication of all the products needs to be completed before uP! It includes three things:
a) Basics version ruled out b) Where the system is flawed c)
- We have 12 products
46. Weekly Letters: 4 to be sent by the end of the month of May
- Publishing these letters are the problem
47. Simple informational Solar voice products: 2 raw recordings
48. Weekly mails by Harini
49. Material to be used from the BiG Accelerator event
- CPM Participants: January 2019 CP videos
- HPC for the BiG participants
50. EIFlix: Let’s launch EIFix at uP! for them to continue integrating after uP!
51. Logistics: Booking tickets and stay for the operational team for Mega Consultations
52. Non-giving consultation eligible BiG Participants during Mega Consultation
53. Show uP! campaign: Video by Antano
54. SMP: Product needs to be ready
- Ads on, Sales happening
55. Contrast Frames: Pallavi to figure out different ways of packaging to juice out these fully in different packaging. This will be followed by HPC with A&H
56. What else can we do before this event in terms of the marketing Videos like one Sathish showed today. Preethi will orient Sathish, Thamizh’s team, Dass
57. Students are coming: We should be strategic about our Marketing, not who’s coming. Staying true to our message, that appeals to everybody who wants to create BiG Impact. Below 18, come with the parent.
58. A feature in the App: A person can say that I want my story to be done. I think I want my ‘Time-compressed’ story to be done
59. Sales Training: Will it continue or be on pause till uP!

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