Look through the materials provided to students for the lesson. Spend 5-7 minutes talking about, explaining, asking questions and introducing materials (aka vocabulary) to students. Make sure they now understand how to use it.
▶️ Spend more time on this part if necessary
▶️ You goal is to make students realize that they actually learned something today
▫ Do you know anybody who's never used a computer?
▫ Can you live without a computer nowadays?
▫ Do computer skills matter when looking for a job?
▫ How did the information age affect the workforce?
▫ Does every job in the future require being good at technology?
▫ What do you think computers will look in 20-30 years?
▫ Life before computers was more serene. People were happier.
▫ Computers take hard working people's jobs, people suffer, hence computers are evil.
▫ There were less failed marriages before digital age, computers are to blame.
▫ More people in the world are more literate now and have access to endless information thanks to computers.
▫ If we take all the computers away, the world will collapse.
Computers and social media killed intimate relationships.
Spend 5-7 minutes discussing the mistakes people made. Give good and bad examples of how the vocabulary you discussed in the beginning was used during the lesson.