Coda AI playground
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icon picker
Tweet idea generator with AI

Generate new ideas, edit your tweet and then tweet them, all without leaving Coda.
Easily generate tweet ideas using Coda AI. Start by adding a tweet idea, AI will create a tweet for you. After editing the tweet, simply click the Tweet button and you’re done!

How to use this template

Create a copy of this doc
Click the “Add new idea” button and add your tweet idea
Coda AI will write an idea for you
Edit your tweet
Click “Tweet” to open Twitter in your browser and post your tweet!

Add new idea
Delete sample data
Tweet idea
AI-generated Tweet
Who is going to win the superbowl? Will the Eagles beat the Chiefs?
"Exciting news for football fans! The big game is coming up and all eyes are on the Eagles and the Chiefs. Can't wait to see who comes out on top! 🏈🏆 #SuperBowl #FootballFrenzy”
5 incredible valentine day gift ideas
"Spread the love this Valentine's Day with these 5 amazing gift suggestions! From thoughtful to romantic, there's something for everyone. Let's make this day extra special for the ones we cherish ❤️ #ValentinesDay #SpreadLove”
why should I use AI to help me write my tweets
"Have you ever considered using AI to enhance your social media game? With AI, you can streamline the writing process and create engaging content in no time. Give it a try and see the difference it can make! 😊👍 #socialmedia #AI #contentcreation”
Coda AI will help us be more productive
Exciting news! With Coda AI, we'll be able to boost our productivity like never before. Can't wait to see what we can achieve! #productivity #AI
There are no rows in this table

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) instead.