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PRD with ✨AI

Create a first draft of a PRD by answering a few short questions, with AI.
PRD Starter
Write your answer here (keep it short)
What problem are you solving?
light bulbs in tall ceilings are hard to reach
What solution, product or feature are you proposing?
a device you can use to change a lightbulb
What are your goals with this project?
no need for a tall ladder, you can change lightbulbs from a short ladder with this device
There are no rows in this table

AI Draft

Product Requirement Doc


Changing light bulbs in tall ceilings is difficult and often requires a tall ladder, which can be dangerous and inconvenient.


The device we propose will eliminate the need for a tall ladder and make changing light bulbs in tall ceilings safer and more convenient.


We propose a device that can be used to change a light bulb in a tall ceiling without the need for a ladder. This device will be easy to use and will allow the user to change light bulbs quickly and safely.

User Stories

As a homeowner, I want to be able to change my light bulbs without having to use a tall ladder.
As a building manager, I want to be able to change light bulbs in tall ceilings quickly and safely.

Feature Ideas

The device should be lightweight and easy to handle.
The device should work with a variety of different light bulb sizes and types.
The device should be durable and long-lasting.
The device should be affordable and accessible to a wide range of users.


The device should not require any special training or expertise to use.
The device should be safe and reliable, with no risk of injury or damage to the light fixture.
The device should be easy to clean and maintain.

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