Macedonian Mentoring Network 2024
MMN Project 2024

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Workshop 4, 24th August 2024

34 participants (Ps) took part in Workshop 3.

The aims of this workshop were the following:

to deepen Ps’ experiential learning about mentor roles: educator, support, acculturator, model and sponsor (Malderez, 2023)
to review the role of the literature (theories) in the mentoring process
to provide practice for the pre-lesson mentorial protocol (adapted from Malderez, 2023)
to process Ps’ learning about, and experiences of, mentoring
to consolidate the group by enabling contact, sharing and support
to process Ps’ project experiences and plans.
10:00 - 11:30
Recapping goals and past work. Exercises in using theories at Step 3 of SIRP.
11:30 - 12:00
Lunch break
12:00 - 13:15
Exercises in pre-lesson mentoring.
13:15 - 13:30
Coffee break
13:30 - 14:30
Reflecting on the MMM project. Plans for going forward. Wrapping up.
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SESSION 1: Recapping past learning & reviewing the roles of the literature in the mentoring process

Ps first worked in pairs or small groups to identify two truths and one lie when it comes to the roles of the literature, i.e. theories, in mentoring. The following ‘truths’ about the usefulness of the literature were generated by the group:
it can be useful to understand what’s going on in the classroom, e.g. in the form of a practical checklist
it can validate our assumptions, thus increasing confidence
it provides shorthand in professional communication
it can help us think outside the box and generate new ideas
it invites critical thinking, e.g. which theory to follow when theories are conflicting
it helps us make informed choices/decisions
it supports mentors in asking better questions
it can be used as a self-assessment tool, to check our thinking
it provides a solid ground on which to build new inquiry and/or understandings
it develops appreciation for the profession
it can offer practical checklists for lesson planning.
The most common ‘lies’ were that the literature can be used for showing off in front of mentees, demonstrating that teachers indeed know it all. :)
Ps were then assigned a concrete theory (Choice Theory, Self-determination, Mindsets, Flow, Polyvagal Theory, Group Development or Leadership Styles - See ) and were asked to prepare a 1-minute presentation explaining the essence of the theory as if talking to a child. This often included examples of the implications of the theories, and produced humour. We also talked about how the reviewed theoretical frameworks can be usefully drawn on by mentors to understand a teaching situation better and to ask relevant questions to prompt new thinking in their mentees.

SESSION 2: Exercises in pre-lesson mentorial & reflection

Ps used the following pre-lesson mentorial to plan one of their first classes in the new school year:
They were encouraged to change the scenery by taking a walk with a partner, including out in the nature following Kierkegaard’s suggestion to “walk yourself into your best thoughts” - , switching roles between mentor and mentee.
Then they returned to the workshop room to discuss their experiences.

Session 3: Using blackout poetry to reflect on project & formulate plans

Ps started this session by reflecting on their project experiences by ‘writing’ blackout poetry. See the full range of poems which emerged from this activity: Ps first circled key words from a page of text, blacked out everything else and wrote a short commentary about the key messages from their poems - an activity which can be used in primary/secondary teaching, too:
Finally, we discussed the group’s future plans and ideas that were shared thus far - see the writing in white chalk on the board:

Just to highlight the homework for September 2024:

By 30th September 2024, please have a go at Noticing to do (1) a lesson plan and (2) a post-lesson reflection (SIRP), in that order. Since you last used Noticing, we have added new functionalities to it and were nominated one of ELTons 2024 finalists in the category !
For a better experience, I suggest that you first of all complete the new Introduction conversation so that Noa (the entity that speaks to you now has a name!) can take your teaching context into consideration in its moderation. Before creating your lesson plan, you will be prompted to add your curriculum/syllabus (you can copy and paste this even in Macedonian!) so Noa can help you develop a more contextualised lesson plan.
To start a conversation in Noticing, please go to: and log in with the email that you used before.
Once done, let us know about your experiences of chatting to Noa in the two separate channels I created in Slack:
We wrapped up in the usual way, with Ps sharing their reactions to Workshop 4 - please see the full list of reactions, not ordered in any particular way, in:

Now what?

The Hornby-funded project included supporting the development of the group’s mentoring skills in various ways, including through 4 workshops. We might have left over funds for one extra meeting, but might not (we’re still to complete the publication) - we’ll let you all know about that additionally.
We will consider the September homework in Noticing to be the funded project’s final task; once the deadline for this is up, we will evaluate everyone’s contributions and award certificates and a year’s worth of ELTAMMK membership to those who completed at least 50% of the project tasks.
The group will continue functioning and developing as an ELTAMMK SIG (the MMM SIG!) and we’ll continue to seek funding to facilitate as vibrant development of the group as possible (see our plans in the photo of the board above).
Please let us know if you have any questions about any of this.
Wishing everyone a happy last leg of the first phase of our work together!

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