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What does it mean to (be) mentor(ed)?

Submission guidelines

In 500-1000 words, describe your experiences of mentoring or being mentored. Suggested structure of contributions (subtitles are bolded below):
Title, author name and surname, small headshot of author (with good resolution!), name of school, town
Context (Describe your teaching/learning to teach context: e.g. how big is the school you work in, how big the classes, what kind of school is it, what attitudes to teaching/learning can be observed in the school, how collegial are the staff, how much room for teacher agency is there, how is mentoring seen/practised in the school...?) Please also include how many years of teaching experience you have.
What I learnt through mentoring, being mentored and/or observing mentoring, in both a human and an AI context (Include highlights and support for your claims, e.g. if you claim that you have learnt to do X, tell us a brief story about how this was achieved and/or how this skill is demonstrated in your current practice)
Challenges I faced with regard to mentoring or being mentored (Please share a short story about what the challenge was in the process of mentoring or being mentored, and how you went about it)
Plans to develop further (Explain how you see your learning journey as a teacher/mentor/educator developing going forward after this project, in as concrete terms as possible. How are you going to follow up on what you learned on this project? How do you envisage the MMM project group to develop?)
Include an email address at the end of your contribution, so readers are able to get in touch.
Contributions will be peer reviewed.
Envisaged audience for this publication: local teachers (of English, but not only: all teachers need to develop!) and international teachers, therefore consider publishing in both Macedonian and English, to address both audiences. There was a suggestion in Workshop 3 to also include an Albanian translation - this will be considered in the context of the budget (printing and translation services).
Contributions to be sent as Word documents (use Ariel 12, single spacing and paragraph indentation, not blank lines between paragraphs) to Elena at by 15th July 2024.

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