Macedonian Mentoring Network 2024
Workshop 3, 15th June 2024

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Year-in-review mentorial

This mentorial has the same atmosphere and role division as the Five Steps - see
The structure Angi Malderez suggests for this mentorial are the following prompts for the mentor:
Thinking back over your teaching during past school/academic year, what do you remember noticing and discussing in your Five Steps mentorials? (Mentee talks about memorable ‘noticings’.)
Is there a common theme to your ‘noticings’ from the past year? (If there is, mentor and mentee can agree to do a Five Steps mentorial following this one, or schedule another mentorial in the future.)
What do you feel your students learnt over the course of your teaching? What difficulties did you notice them experiencing?
What did you notice about your own teaching? What do you feel was useful/not so useful for your students’ learning?
What did you notice about your own learning? What did you learn? What is yet to be learnt going forward?
Finally, what action are you planning to take to improve your practice in the following school/academic year?
Participants to take turns to be in ‘mentor’ and ‘mentee’ roles following this updated division in pairs (each participant from column A works with their counterpart from column C):
When in the role of mentee, each participant to fill in the following record sheet and email it to Elena at: by 15th July:

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