Minimalist Teen's Guide to Minimalism
Create your Must List

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My Must List

Write out a list of actions here that you need to do in your life. What MUST you do to create change?
Need an example? Check out my personal Must List.
Here is the completed, polished Must List I wrote for myself, inspired by and of their :
I must live a healthy life every day.
I must eat healthy foods at every meal.
I must exercise at least four times per week.
I must build loving relationships every day.
I must contribute to others in a meaningful way every day.
I must grow as an individual every day.
I must work towards my mission every day.
I must write every day.
I must read every day.
I must listen to music every day.
I must be passionate every day.
I must feel grateful every day.
I must enjoy my life every day.
I must live in the moment.
🗒️ NOTE: I did not create that polished list on my first try.
Here is my first, actual Must List that I wrote down in my notebook. Raw, no editing, this is how it looked. (I shaped it to my personal life, so obviously some references only I would get, and others’ lists will look different).
I must stop wasting my money on
I must eat healthier food.
I must exercise.
I must be more musical.
I must sing more.
I must play piano and guitar more.
I must write more.
I must read more.
I must watch less TV, specifically Netflix: I must stop binge-watching.
I must get more sleep.
I must go to sleep earlier. (at least 10:30)
I must wear less makeup daily.
I must drink more water.
I must be tidy.
I must keep my desk clean.
I must keep my room & closet clean.
I must clean out my closet.
I must get rid of ALL THIS JUNK.
I must get rid of memorabilia. (into art)
I must start something noteworthy. (blog)
I must play with Peanut more.
I must improve and fix my relationships.
I must be honest and true.
I must get my life together.
My Must List
I must
write every day.
I must
eat healthy foods at every meal.
I must
be grateful every day.
I must
I must
I must
I must
I must
I must
I must
There are no rows in this table

🗒️ NOTE: I recommend printing out your list so you have a physical reminder every day! Mine is taped up next to my desk 😇 If you want a nicely formatted version of your Must List, click
and Cmd⌘+P!
Want your list emailed directly to you?
Email me my Must List
🗒️ NOTE: this uses Coda’s Gmail Pack, so please approve access to your email so it can be sent successfully.

➡️ Done with your Must List?

Move on to Step .

: You’ve knocked out the first step! Feel free to
😲 Did You Know: Nearly half of American households don’t save any money.

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