Once upon a time, there was a girl named Diana. She had everything a person could ever need but she wasn’t happy because she wanted more. One day, she learned about minimalism, which inspired her to let go of her things and live with less. After getting rid of the items that didn’t add value to her life (about 90% of her belongings), she discovered that less really is more. Now she lives a much happier, healthier and deliberate life. She decided to create
When I first became a minimalist, my closet was comprised of seven white t-shirts, two pairs of blue jeans and three pairs of sneakers. With a few exceptions, I wore the same outfit every day––a self-imposed uniform of sorts. While this is no longer the case (I’ve discovered my interest in fashion and realized that minimalism and style are not mutually exclusive), everything I own contributes significant value to my life.
I have written essays, led photo projects and shared my journey as a minimalist, vegan and teenager with hundreds of thousands of people (with the support of leaders of the modern minimalist movement––
As the Minimalist Teen, I love helping others realize the benefits of a minimalistic lifestyle and demonstrating that anyone can become a minimalist! If a nineteen-year-old female Gen-Zer (a member of the most consumption-driven demographic, at the center of the most consumerist culture of all time) can become a minimalist, you can too!
: A list of tips I have written for if you ever need your minimalistic tendencies to be supported or reinvigorated! My favorite is the tip that minimalists CAN be fashionable :)
: The top 10 videos and articles that have been most valuable for me! I included specifics because it can be overwhelming to determine which resources to start with.
: Statistics related to minimalism + their sources! These are embedded throughout the document (hint: check the bottom of each page!); I compiled them into one page if you want to read them at once.
🤔 Why Read this Doc?
Is minimalism for you? Should you become a minimalist? What benefits does minimalism offer? Fill out this quick form to find out!
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, read this doc for some answers! Minimalism could be a great fit.
Don’t worry, by the end of it, you most likely won’t only own 50 items, with plans to only wear a black t-shirt and jeans for the rest of your life... My goal in writing this doc is not to convert you to minimalism, but to provide some insights and guidance into the benefits of living with less. Minimalism isn’t a cult! It’s simply a tool that can help you lead a more fulfilling life! And this doc will help you get started.
➡️ But what exactly is minimalism? Here’s a brief overview: