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Technical Editing in Video Production


To standardize the process of technical editing, ensuring that all video clips and elements are properly cleaned up, synchronized, and prepared for the creative editing phase.


This SOP is applicable to video editors involved in the post-production stages of video projects, including Video Sales Letters (VSLs), promotional videos, and other multimedia content.

Tools Required

Video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro)
Digital storage and backup solutions
Audio cleaning tools (if required)
Color correction tools (if required)


Video Editors: To execute technical edits including trimming, stabilizing, color correction, and audio adjustments.
Project Manager: To oversee the technical editing process and ensure compliance with project timelines and standards.
Quality Control Specialist: To review the technically edited footage for consistency and technical quality before it moves to creative editing.

Detailed Procedure

Step 1: Import and Organize Footage
1.1 Import Clips: Import all raw footage into the chosen video editing software.
1.2 Organize Clips: Categorize and label clips into bins or folders based on scene, take, camera angle, etc., to streamline the editing process.
Step 2: Synchronize and Trim Clips
2.1 Synchronize Audio and Video: Use software tools to synchronize external audio recordings with video clips, ensuring perfect alignment of sound and visuals.
2.2 Trim Clips: Remove any excess footage from the beginning and end of clips to focus on usable material. Ensure clips are cut to remove any unwanted content such as slate actions or off-script dialogues.
Step 3: Adjust Video Quality
3.1 Stabilize Footage: Apply stabilization effects to shaky clips to ensure smooth playback.
3.2 Adjust Exposure and Contrast: Make preliminary adjustments to exposure, contrast, and brightness to create a uniform look across all clips.
Step 4: Preliminary Color Correction
4.1 Match Colors: Use color correction tools to match the colors between different shots for consistency. This step does not involve creative color grading but ensures a neutral, balanced palette across all footage.
4.2 Adjust White Balance: Correct any color temperature discrepancies in clips to maintain color accuracy.
Step 5: Clean Up Audio
5.1 Remove Background Noise: Apply noise reduction filters to clean up background noise from audio tracks.
5.2 Adjust Levels: Ensure audio levels are consistent across clips. Normalize audio to prevent volume spikes or dips.
Step 6: Export Technical Edit
6.1 Create a Master Clip: Compile all adjusted clips into a single timeline to create a master clip.
6.2 Export File: Export the technically edited master clip into a format that is suitable for creative editing. Label the file clearly and store it in a designated project folder.
Step 7: Quality Control and Feedback
7.1 Review Edited Footage: Conduct a full review of the technically edited footage to check for any inconsistencies or missed issues.
7.2 Feedback Loop: Provide feedback to the video editors on any areas that require further adjustment before creative editing begins.
Step 8: Documentation and Archiving
8.1 Document the Process: Record all technical adjustments made to the footage along with any issues encountered and how they were resolved.
8.2 Archive Originals and Edits: Ensure that both the original and technically edited footage are properly archived according to the organization's data management policies.

Review and Continuous Improvement

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of this SOP based on feedback from video editors and project outcomes. Update the SOP as necessary to incorporate new editing technologies, techniques, or changes in production requirements.
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