The WFH Starter Kit
Water Cooler

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Virtual lunch table

Why not get to know your coworkers a little better over lunch?
Sure, you know your coworkers. Maybe you even have a WFH or Water Cooler channel on Slack for extraneous conversation. But sometimes asynchronous conversations aren't enough. Sometimes you just want to see someone's face and have a conversation in real-time—that's a completely valid and warranted desire!
💡 Copy this template or type /virtual team lunch in your doc.

Virtual Lunch Instructions

Set a recurring calendar event for the team virtual lunch (Coda does this 1x/week), and share the topic tracker below with your team.
Anyone can sponsor a topic beforehand (be sure to add a Zoom link).
Everyone else should choose a virtual room to join.
Topics are meant to be fun and casual - use it as a time to get to know your coworkers. You can even play games like Starcraft or crossword puzzles.

Add topic
Virtual lunch topics
Who's coming?
I'm Coming!
Zoom Link
How we can better support our users in APAC?
There are no rows in this table

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