SLC Cold Call - Real Estate


Hi Name It's Will, with the Kaizen media here…. (phraising a declarative)

Reason for the call is we've just released the new program that gets agents just like yourself flooded with appts, typically prequalified.. (absolute certain)

Now, if you have 60 seconds I'd like to share the idea with you…. got a minute? (reasonable guy)

Client: Yes

Great! and really quick, Name just few questions so I don't waste your time... (I really care)


Current method of prospecting? what are you doing now to finding clients? try anything online before... (situation)
If you could change a few things about your marketing right now, What do you think it would be? (problems & challenges)
Roughly, how many deals are you doing in a month, just a ballpark? what are you on track to do this year (budget)
And where are you trying to get to in the next 3-6 months, any plans or goals/targets, dollar figure wise? Say we help you get there, would you say that would really help you….. (desire)
Lastly, How soon do you wanna do that? looking for something immediate or maybe later down the road? (timeframe)

What we do

Awesome! Well, (PAUSE) based on what you’ve told me, you would be a perfect candidate for this. (absolute certain)

Let me tell you why.

See what we do here, we utilize some of the most effective platforms to this day, like social media. which by the way is being proven to work with plenty other agents, time and time again,

Feature 1 - We’ll generate you leads and we'll call them, have them pre-screened before transferring them over to you or book the appt for you.

Benefit 1 - So you can get an extra 10-20 hours of your week back while still getting more appts... (so you don't have to cold call, door knock or rely only on referrals.)

Feature 2 - We’ll guarantee results (we only use proven framework systems that work so you can see results in as little as the next few weeks).

Benefit 2 - So this way you're really not taking much risk and it’s got a huuge upside potential.. If this works out as planned, which I know it will… you can be looking at a new system that can dramatically change and improve how you do business in the next few months..

So, what I wanna do is schedule a demo sometime this week, when it's convenient for the both of us and walk you through the process on a zoom call. I'll try to share some valuable information on that call, completely FREE and if you like what you see ...and it makes sense, maybe we can help you as well.... is that fair? (reasonable guy)

Great! How's 11am?... Anyone else involved in the decision making?

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