Closing Phrases

“Getting started is very simple, it’s just a few questions of some basic information”
“All I ask is if we deliver results which I know we will, I want a ton of referrals because that’s how my business really grows.”
“All I ask is this you give me one shot. 30 to 60 days.”
“I'm sure there's a lot of things we can do down the road but I think if we can start by doing this one thing and we do that one thing really well meaning getting you more customers and clients I think it'll open a lot of doors down the road, right?”
“You give me one shot, and believe me, if I’m even half right, the only problem you’ll have is that I didn’t get you started 6 months ago. So let’s not miss more opportunities, what do you think?”
“If you do even half as well as the rest of my customers.. believe me, you’re going to be very impressed.”
“What’s the worst that can possibly happen? Seriously??”
“John, let me ask you an honest question; what’s the worst that can possibly happen here? I mean, let’s say I’m wrong and you lose two thousand bucks. It’s not going to make you poor. You’re not going to be living on the streets or be bankrupt. But on the upside what if it DOES work out? You could be be looking at a revenue generating system that's transform how you do business in the long term.”
"Can you imagine how much better off you’d be if we started this 6 months ago?"
“I pride myself on being one of the top growing businesses in this niche/industry, I’m not going to get there by being wrong.”
“We can start off small and gradually go your way up”

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