We’re going to do a short but intensive lookback at the basics this week. While the production skills we work on this semester will be important, writing and interviewing are at the core of all media work. This will lay the groundwork for all the projects we do this semester.
. Pick out two quotes from Bird or Taurasi and try to guess what questions the interviewer might have asked to elicit those answers. Transcribe the quotes and discuss potential questions in a post in #Module 2_1.
Assignment 2_2
Take your story from class on Sept. 1, proofread it, and make any changes now that you’ve had some time to reflect. Post an update to #module2_2 as a google doc, making it shareable to anyone with a UGA ID.
A quotation (not following the paragraph you use above)
For each of these, copy/paste it into a post and underneath, write a short analysis in which you critique both the writing and how it helps you understand the story (or doesn’t). How could it be improved? Post your findings to #module2_3_1.
Assignment 2_3_2
Write a 100-word description of someone you know well (your roommate/best friend/significant other/family member). Describe their telling characteristics. Show us who they are through your description. Use at least one
and a telling detail. No clichés. Nothing “cute.” Use simple ideas and sentences. Write these as if you’re using them in a journalistic profile about these people. Post your piece to #module2_3_2.
Want to print your doc? This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (