Lead Retrieval (WIP)

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Internal Lead Retrieval

Last Updated: 6/29/23


Lead Retrieval is how our sponsors and internal show floor booths/demos collect attendee information so they can follow up with them post event. The Lead Retrieval app allows for scanning the attendee’s badge and making notes.
The leads then sync to the leads portal, which contains attendee contact info as well as the notes made on the scanner. Sponsors access their leads via the leads portal, while our internal teams’ leads are pushed to Tableau and accessed there.
The expo hall typically contains multiple Zones, with ServiceNow-staffed Booths. Each booth will need it’s own device(s) for capturing leads.
See to view the Lead Retrieval app and it’s functionality.
Setup and configuration is different for sponsors vs internal lead retrieval. See .

Configuration and Notes

Collecting Zone and Booth Information
First, we need to collect a list of the zones and booths on the showfloor, and how many devices each booth needs.
Contact AK/show floor team, the earlier the better. Provide them with a spreadsheet template so you get the right data back. Data we need:
Zone #: Zone Name
Demo Name
Business Unit
# Scanners
Note from K23: Engage with zone leads early (via AK) to get accurate device names/counts. They know their zone needs.

Adding ServiceNow record and Lead Devices
K23 Config: ServiceNow exhibitor record, added devices via Leads Allocation. Naming convention for devices:
Device Name = Demo Name
Device Purpose = Zone #: Zone Name
Custom Question = paragraph text with the Business Unit
Recommendation to consider for next year: Should each zone have it’s own sponsor record? Then, Exhibitor Name = Zone, Device Name = Demo/Booth, Purpose = BU? Or, should we keep Purpose as Zone Name since the zones often have a subcategory (for K23).

Onsite Processes
Device collection/distribution:
For K23, we worked with the agency to distribute and collect devices before/after the show each day. We did this so that RainFocus could charge the devices overnight. RainFocus prepared a bag for each zone, with a note of the # of devices for that zone. The process did not go as smoothly as hoped, as many devices were not returned each day, and duplicate devices had to be configured the next morning.
For next year, possible solutions to consider:
We need a point of contact/ownership for each zone who can be responsible for picking up and counting the devices and making sure everything is accounted for each night.
Alternatively, can we leave the devices with the zone lead and provide them with chargers to make sure the devices are charged over night? That would save the back-and-forth of collecting and distributing (and potentially losing) devices each day.
Report with lead totals by device - see “ServiceNow Leads by Device”. This report only pulls in the ServiceNow sponsor’s devices.

Reporting - Tableau
ServiceNow leads are synced to Tableau, and internal teams can access their leads post event via Tableau. Reshma or Kelly should have the Tableau link. Instructions (from K23):
Find your row (booth name)
Click on the Expo Attendance number. This will open a pop up. Click on the small table icon (next to “Exclude”)
A new window will open. Switch to the “Full Data” tab, then check “Show all columns”
Click the “Download all rows as a text file” link to export the data.

Hot Leads Report
Reshma has RainFocus SQL reports to pull in the hot leads. These also sync to Tableau. In K23, there is one report for just the ServiceNow sponsor (internal leads), and one for our external sponsors.
ServiceNow_Hotleads SQL - ServiceNow Only
ServiceNow_Hotleads SQL

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