Audit Letter

Dear Cyberscope Audit Team,
I am writing to request an audit of our company's Smart Cointract Audit. As the CEO of BLC, I understand the importance of maintaining accurate financial records and ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations.
We have chosen Cyberscope as our audit firm due to your reputation for excellence and expertise in the field. We believe that your team's experience and knowledge will provide us with the necessary assurance that our financial statements are free from material misstatement.
We understand that the audit process can be time-consuming and require significant resources. However, we are committed to working closely with your team to ensure a smooth and efficient audit process. We will provide all necessary documentation and information in a timely manner to facilitate the audit.
Please let us know if you require any additional information or documentation to begin the audit process. We look forward to working with your team and receiving the final audit report.
[Insert Name and title of BLC CEO]
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