Types of goals
Short term goal / Moderate term goal / long time goal
Goal setting steps
Create / Evaluate / Planning / Act / Summaries
Various methods of goal evaluation, planning and tracking.
Elements of goal setting
Goal / Purpose
Various goal categories
Various methods of goal creations
This is my experience in goal setting
We all might have some experience in goal settings
Generally there would be goal setting once in a year. Before the appraisal time, they would
Once in a year our manager will schedule a meeting to setup the goal for that year. We

What are goals?

Anything to achieve is goal. By proper analysing and planning any goal is achievable.

Different types of goal

A goal can be classified based on its time period
Short time goal: A goal which can be done with in the year(e.g. Make a website for yourself)
Long time goal: A goal which takes more then a years commitment (e.g. Build your own company)
Life time goal: The most important goal in the life.
One are more can be involved in a goal. Based on the collaboration method goals can be classified as
My goal: A goal which involves only one (e.g. reduce weight to 58kg)
Share Goal: A goal on in which more than one are involved (e.g. Make a movie)
Common Goal: One or more have a similar goal and working together. (e.g. Swim 30 mins everyday)


There are many categories of goals. It can be broadly grouped as Personal Goals and Career Goals
Personally Goals
Health Goal
Mental Goal
Family Goal
Finance Goal
Travel Goal
Hobby Goal
Life Goals
Career Goals
Work place Goal
Project Goal
Passion Goal

Goal Examples

Career Goals

Get a degree
Improve your job performance
Get a promotion at work
Start my own business
Gain a new skill
Become an expert on a specific field
Create a side hustle for extra money

Financial Goals

Have a better attitude
Be more confident
Start a morning routine
Embrace your fears
Be a better friend
Stay fit and active
Improve their emotional intelligence
Learn a new language

Personal Development Goals

Have a better attitude
Be more confident
Start a morning routine
Embrace your fears
Be a better friend
Stay fit and active
Improve their emotional intelligence
Learn a new language

Spiritual Goals

Go to church regularly
Be more mindful
Meditate daily
Join a prayer group
Volunteer regularly
Show more compassion
Donate money

Relationship Goals

Increase family time
Get in a relationship
Get married
Have children
Make your relationship a priority
Communicate more with your partner
Stop taking people for granted

Run a half marathon
Follow a vegan diet
Start a business
Make a million dollars
Earn a steady passive income
Find (and marry) your “soulmate”
Own your dream home
Own your dream car
Have a positive impact on the world
Conquer your fears
Master a second language
Declutter your home
Rekindle an old relationship
Sleep better
Plan for your child’s future
Mentor someone
Become more mindful
Do different things
Take more risks
Let go of the past

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