Development Plan

Milestone 1

Duration: 30 days
Payment: 15k
(5k advance at the beginning )
Start date
20 Nov 2023
Deliver for review
13 Dec 2023
20 Dec 2023
Sign In/Login
Fix completed by Interaction
The days calculation for the goal needs to be fixed and put this on appropriate grouping
Connect the app with the domain link
configure the mailgun email to send email
Group by category and deadline as per the design
Goal deadline to be set with fixed value as shown in the design
Add Forgot Password page with OTP integration or verify link
Integrate google login
Connect with mailgun server for email transaction
Email verification on signup
Send passcode and change password on forgot password
Feedback massage on toaster. Email not found and Entered wrong password or email.
Password with minimum 8 character with Alpha numeric character
lock account for 24 hours after 5 wrong tries
Sort by due date and category
Show parent goal title in subgoal
Delete goal from dashboard after confirmation
Profile Settings
Profile page edit with change password

Milestone 2

Duration: 10 days
Payment: 15k
(5k advance at the beginning )
Start date
13 Jan 2023
Deliver for review


Setup PostgresDB and blob in the Vercel
Analyse the data structure and make tables and columns
Make the changes on the API and integrate with the APP
Ensure every function works without any error
Optimise the speed and performance

Milestone 3

Duration: 45 days
Payment: 15k
(5k advance at the beginning )
Start date
21 Dec 2023
Deliver for review
13 Jan 2024
21 Jan 2024
Goal Details



Milestone 4

Duration: 30 days
Payment: 15k
(5k advance at the beginning )
Start date
22 Jan 2024
Deliver for review
12 Feb 2024
20 Feb 2024

Note (checkin)

Email Weekly Status ()

Admin Panel

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