About Goals

Goal Template

Goal Title: Title | Deadline: 23 Jan 2023 | Value : Family

Have a desire: What do you really wanted

You must have a intense, burning desire for your goal. This desire must be personal, something that you want for yourself.

Believe that your goal is Achievable

You must absolutely believe, deep in your heart, that you deserve the goal and that you are capable of attaining it. Belief is the catalyst that activates all your mental and physical powers. Spiritually, it is referee to belief as faith.

Determine your starting point

Analyse your current state and write down your starting point in the attainment of your goal. This enables you to set goals that are believable and achievable rather then unattainable and self-defeating.

Determine why you wanted it

Make a list of all the ways that you will personally benefit by achieving this goal. The more reason you have for wanting to achieve that goal, the more intense will be your desire.

Identify the obstacles in your way

Determine the obstacles that are standing between you and your goal. Why aren’t you already at your goal already? What is blocking you? What is holding you back?

Determine the additional knowledge and skills you need

To achieve something you have achieved before you will have to do something you have never done before. to go beyond your current level of accomplishment, you will have to acquire and make plans to acquire knowledge and skill you have never had before.

Determine the people whose help you will need

People who's cooperation and assistance you would need to achieve the goal. What can you do to gain their help and cooperation.

Make a plan: Put it all Together

Visualise your goal continually

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