Sample Content

Sample content to be used for design and development.


Goal 1:

Become a design manager

Description: I wanted to be a manager whose team loves and supports him. I wanted to use my knowledge, share my good will and behavior and get people around me. I wanted to make a product which is so good and everyone likes it. I want to take control of a product, share the responsibility with the talents and make it valuable with strategic planning and creative ideas.
Status: In Progress | Category: Professional, Work
Start Date: 11 Mar 2022 | Completion Date: 31 Sep 2023
Sub Goals: 3 in total / 1 completed
Task: 32 in total / 7 completed

Sub goal 1:

Complete the PMP Training

Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non consequatur voluptatum et alias doloribus est consectetur numquam nam quidem corporis eum dolores iste ut cupiditate voluptatem! Qui omnis quidem qui consequatur quia ut fugiat aspernatur. Aut nostrum officia vel fugiat molestiae qui nihil rerum.
Status: Completed | Category: Career, Learning
Start Date: 17 Jun 2022 | Competition Date: 23 Sep 2022
Sub Goals: 2 in total / 2 completed
Task: 11 in total / 7 completed

Sub goal 2:

Practice public speaking

Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non consequatur voluptatum et alias doloribus est consectetur numquam nam quidem corporis eum dolores iste ut cupiditate voluptatem! Qui omnis quidem qui consequatur quia ut fugiat aspernatur. Aut nostrum officia vel fugiat molestiae qui nihil rerum.
Status: In progress | Category: Learning
Start Date: 11 Sep 2022 | Competition Date: 23 Apr 2023
Sub Goals: 1 in total / 0 completed
Task: 6 in total / 1 completed

Sub goal 3

Learn design Technique

Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non consequatur voluptatum et alias doloribus est consectetur numquam nam quidem corporis eum dolores iste ut cupiditate voluptatem! Qui omnis quidem qui consequatur quia ut fugiat aspernatur. Aut nostrum officia vel fugiat molestiae qui nihil rerum.
Status: In progress | Category: Learning
Start Date: 6 Jan 2022 | Competition Date: 17 Aug 2023
Sub Goals: 3 in total / 0 completed
Task: 6 in total / 0 completed

Clear the home loan

Description: I wanted to live debt free independently without any financial commitments. I wanted to build more wealth and spend it for my family and myself. I wanted to be seen as a wealthy and prosperous person. I wanted to work on my next investment so I would be secure for my future. Work on my own product idea. Wanted to travel more and spend it for enjoyment.
Status: In Progress | Category: Financial
Start Date: 11 Mar 2019 | Competition Date: 31 Dec 2023
Sub Goals: 1 in total / 1 completed
Task: 11 in total / 7 completed

Learn to draw

Description: I wanted to draw fluently. I wanted to be known as an artist who can quickly sketch whatever I see or think. I wanted to be a good skilled artist, who is an expert in visuals. I wanted to make my own art gallery which I can show to others. I wanted to quickly sketch my thought process or process others' thoughts into visuals. It is a very good skill to communicate where everyone would think I’m a good visual thinker and observer.
Status: On Hold | Category: Learning
Start Date: 11 Mar 2019 | Competition Date: 31 Dec 2023
Sub Goals: 0 in total / 0 completed
Task: 11 in total / 7 completed

Plan vacation to UK

Description: Traveling outside India, Knowing people all over the world is a person I wanted to show myself. All these years I had given importance to exposure and knowing new things. My life was interesting in that way. Being stuck and not making any progress means I'm already dead.
Status: In Progress | Category: Travel, Leisure
Start Date: 11 Mar 2018 | Competition Date: 31 Dec 2022
Sub Goals: 3 in total / 1 completed
Task: 24 in total / 11 completed

Get 1000 subscribers for the blog

Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non consequatur voluptatum et alias doloribus est consectetur numquam nam quidem corporis eum dolores iste ut cupiditate voluptatem! Qui omnis quidem qui consequatur quia ut fugiat aspernatur. Aut nostrum officia vel fugiat molestiae qui nihil rerum.
Status: Archived | Category: Career
Start Date: 11 Jun 2022 | Archived Date: 25 Dec 2022 | Days Engaged: 167 days
Sub Goals: 2 in total / 1 completed
Task: 24 in total / 11 completed

Run a 5k Marathon

Description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non consequatur voluptatum et alias doloribus est consectetur numquam nam quidem corporis eum dolores iste ut cupiditate voluptatem! Qui omnis quidem qui consequatur quia ut fugiat aspernatur. Aut nostrum officia vel fugiat molestiae qui nihil rerum.
Status: Completed | Category: Passion
Start Date: 11 Feb 2022 | Archived Date: 25 Spe 2022
Sub Goals: 0 in total / 0 completed
Task: 11 in total / 9 completed

Primary Goal details:


Have a desire: What do you really wanted

You must have an intense, burning desire for your goal. This desire must be personal, something that you want for yourself.
I wanted to be a manager whose team loves and supports him. I wanted to use my knowledge, share my good will and behaviour and get people around me. I wanted to make a product which is so good and everyone likes it. I want to take control of a product, share the responsibility with the talents and make it valuable with strategic planning and creative ideas.

Determine why you wanted it

Make a list of all the ways that you will personally benefit by achieving this goal. The more reason you have for wanting to achieve that goal, the more intense will be your desire.
I didn’t have much growth in my career. I’m personally interested in navigating the project and building strategy. But due to the fear of the corporate system, I avoided both. I always wanted to be a leader in my field and achieve something on my own. Becoming a manager can be a next step for it.
I would get a opportunity to build a strategy for a product
I would get a team to work for me.
I can only concentrate on planning part
I would provide the value by holding a small team
I would earn money and get the next breakthrough in my career

How would you feel once you achieved your goal

Visualise your goal as if you have already attained. See it more vividly in our mind's eyes and think of how you would feel pride, satisfaction and happiness you would experience after achieving the goal.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Non consequatur voluptatum et alias doloribus est consectetur numquam nam quidem corporis eum dolores iste ut cupiditate voluptatem! Qui omnis quidem qui consequatur quia ut fugiat aspernatur. Aut nostrum officia vel fugiat molestiae qui nihil rerum.


Get a promotion at work
Increase sales by 20% this quarter
Complete a professional certification program
Start my own business
Expand my network by attending industry events
Health and fitness goals:
Run a half marathon
Lose 10 pounds in 3 months
Complete a yoga teacher training program
Eat a plant-based diet for 30 days
Join a local sports team
Financial goals:
Save $10,000 for a down payment on a house
Create a monthly budget and stick to it
Pay off credit card debt within 6 months
Increase retirement savings contributions
Start a side hustle to generate a income
Personal development goals:
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