Career Problem to Game Plan + Flip The Script - Take Control of Your Interview (PUBLISHED)
Workshop 2: Flip the Script

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Why Flip the Script?



More Details: What is Flip the Script All About?

Unskilled interviewers ask irrelevant questions that don’t give us an opportunity to demonstrate our ability to do the work.

Interviewing is an art and science. As a candidate, our career mobility depends on skilled interviewers evaluating our fit for a role.

Unfortunately, 80% of people on interview loops admit that they lack confidence in getting evidence of a candidate’s ability to do the job. They admit that they are uncomfortable asking meaningful, probing questions, often because they aren’t clear about what a great candidate looks like for the role. In fact, 90% of interviewers on interview loops have never been formally trained on structured interview methods so even if they do understand what a great candidate looks like, they lack a plan for how to learn what the candidate can do. Most hiring managers contribute to this problem by not defining the deliverables/milestones for the candidates first year on the job, and they often fail to give the interview loop assignments for who should ask what questions. As candidates, we notice redundant questions from multiple interviewers which leads to a lot of meandering.

Why is this a problem when we are being interviewed? Unskilled (and sometimes aggressive) interviewers ask irrelevant questions that don’t give us an opportunity to demonstrate our ability to do the work. We go into reaction mode, trying to figure out what the interviewer is trying to learn about us. We often shut down, or talk too much, meander, and fail to impress the interviewer. We often spend many hours replaying the interview in our heads wondering “did I perform well?”, and 90% of the time we’ll never know for sure because companies rarely give us constructive feedback. We tend of focus on the negative and find ourselves with a kind of interview PTSD. This experience erodes our confidence and has career-altering repercussions well beyond just the singular interview day. We carry these terrible experiences with us and wear them on our sleeves in our jobs, when we present in front of a group, and when we have performance reviews with our managers. And then the next time we interview, we bring all that with us and sometimes spiral down.

We have to get out of this cycle, but how? How can we take control of a process that is completely out of our control? We can’t take control of the process, we can’t take control of the questions being ask, but we CAN take control of the way we respond to any question.

Pivot any difficult interview question into a demonstration of your super power.

Being interviewed well is our responsibility and this workshop will show to take control. When an interviewer asks a bad question, we’ll convert it to a great question that creates a meaningful opportunity to show our abilities.

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