Product Marketing Launch Hub

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Marketing Brief Template



🚀 Announcement or FYI: new “full width” page setting!
◀️ Before, makers could choose from standard or wide mode in the “page width” settings. Once we launched the new page layouts makers were delighted by the ability to have side-by-side content, but they wanted more space horizontally.
⏩ Now, makers can select from standard, wide or full width page settings!
👀 What value does this bring to customers? This further enhances the tremendous value that the new editor unlocked (Coda 3.0
and for reference!), including:
The ability to show relationships between different content and content types. For example, an image and adjacent text explaining it.
A clean, website-like feel. This pairs nicely with custom domains!
The ability to find what you need, quickly, because of the varied layout and additional content on the screen. Think about briefs as an example — you can quickly spot where you should give input.
Best-in-class dashboards, allowing more metrics in a singular view.

Target audience


Target audience: Add the persona and a one-liner on why in this section.

For full detail on this target audience, please refer to the SRD [anchor link].
Add the tl;dr in this area before moving onto the Challenges we’re solving section.

Challenge we’re solving

Bullet point the individual challenges in this section. Include the ‘why’ and/or short examples as necessary.
E.g. In tool X, it’s hard to do the simple things. For example, setting up automations requires coding.

Each one of your challenges should be solved in your Value drivers below. If it’s not included in the value drivers consider removing it from this section so that you’re only focusing on what’s most important.

Messaging pillars and value drivers

Messaging pillars are essentially themes that tie back to your value prop. Just a reminder, this is not copy! Pillars don’t need to be super polished, just clear and straightforward for Brand and Hype + Pipe to take the next step.
Make sure that each messaging pillar includes Coda’s stance. We have earned the right to be taking a POV on how the best teams should work. Let’s flex our knowledge and share with others.
For example, instead of “Finally, processes that run themselves. Creating standard operating procedures that scale has never been easier.“ Try: “Teams are more efficient in Coda. With Coda, you can ship faster by automating tasks and templatizing your best practices.
Solves this/these challenges:

Flesh out each of your value drivers in this section. You might answer these questions:
Why does the target audience care?
How does this impact your persona’s role, pains?
Why is this a differentiator? What have they been doing instead?

Solves this/these challenges:

Flesh out each of your value drives in this section. You might answer these questions:
Why does the target audience care?
How does this impact your persona’s role, pains?
Why is this a differentiator? What have they been doing instead?

Solves this/these challenges:

Flesh out your messaging pillars / value drivers in this section. You might answer these questions:
Why does the target audience care?
How does this impact your persona’s role, pains?
Why is this a differentiator? What have they been doing instead?


Now that you’ve completed the hard part, it’s time to boil down your marketing brief into one place. Add Coda’s value proposition in the callout, copy your messaging pillars in the canvas columns, and distill your conclusions about into proof points.
Proof points should prove that why the messaging pillar is true. It should describe what elements of Coda back up the respective pillar. Questions to consider: What about Coda’s solution make these messaging pillars true? How is Coda better than the competitor at doing this?
Proof points shouldn’t be marketing copy. Cut the fluff and get to the point quickly.
For example, instead of “Live collaboration unlocks new ways of working.” Try: “Sentiment trackers and suggest changes remove bottlenecks by making async review more effective.

Use cases, solutions, and/or workflows that are improved

How are these workflows completed today? How will that change in Coda?
Updated Coda Template
Confluence Comparable

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