Product Marketing Launch Hub

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What feature are we launching?

Primary project objective is to create a feature that fulfills customer claims and key tenets. The long-term vision is to provide a sustainable and effective solution.Detail the primary project objective and customer claims, as well as the long-term vision for this feature.

What’s the asset list and launch dates?

- Summarize Announcement post
- Publish FAQs
- Update old posts
- Announcement email
- Update FAQs
- Monthly email modal
- Post to social
- Landing page
- Update onboarding drip
- Updates to content on brochure site
- Update screenshots in videos
- Announcement email
- Announcement post on 5/1/2020

What decisions have we made about this launch?

We will use X vendor.

What decisions still need to be made about this launch?

- Are we using X vendor?
- When are we launching?
- How will we handle joint accounts?

What’s the objection handling?

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