mintBlue Pack Demo Doc!
Pack Installation

2. Create mintBlue Account

New to mintBlue? No worries! Here are some detailed instructions on how to create your first account, project and transactions:
Credit: this material is from the mintBlue documentation found here:

mintBlue Quick Start Guide

Set up your mintBlue account and start building in minutes!
To get started you will need to:
Create an account
Create a project

Create an Account

To sign up, go to and follow the instructions to create your account.
You will be required to enter your name, some contact information, and verify your email address.

Create a Project

When logged into your mintBlue account, click "Projects" in the navigation on the left. Click the "New Project" button and follow the instructions.
Once you've created your project, you can find the project ID on the project's detail page.

Continue Coda Pack Setup:

The mintBlue pack for Coda and associated docs were made in partnership and with
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