The Encryption Template
Encryption Template

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Need a hand? Here's how to use the Encryption Template.

Adding a new secret
How to create a new encrypted item.
Viewing an item
How to safely view an encrypted secret item.
Tips and tricks, along with fixes for common issues.
Adding a new secret
How to create a new encrypted item.
Click the + New Secret button at the top right of the table.
Fill in a form with the following fields:
Title. This helps identify each row in the table, and is not encrypted.
Secret Text. This is the text you want to encrypt.
Password and Confirm Password. Enter the password you’d like to use for this new item, and repeat the password in the “Confirm Password” field.
Why "Confirm Password"??
Once you’ve filled in all the necessary info, click the blue Save New Secret → button.
This will open a new tab in your browser.
You’ll see a new form which we’ll use to store your secret into the Encryption Table.
There are three fields visible.
Title. This is the same title you submitted in the previous window. You are welcome to change this if you notice a mistake, or just would prefer a different title.
Encrypted. This is your “Secret Text” from the previous window which has now been securely encrypted. It should look like a gibberish collection of characters. Importantly, please do not edit this field.
Salt. This is a pseudorandom string of characters used to strengthen the security of your encrypted text. It’s not important that you know what this, nor that it’s kept secret (it’s actually stored unencrypted in the Encryption Table). All that’s important is that this field should not be empty. Importantly, please do not edit this field.
Click the blue Submit button to store your new item. This will take you to a “Thanks, your response has been submitted” page, confirming that your item has been saved.
You can now close this tab in your browser.
To see your new item, head back to the .

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.