Open-source product playbook
Research & design

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Prioritizing features for the product roadmap

Build what matters for your users and increase the value of your platform using the RICE prioritization framework
The right variables in your product prioritization ensures you’re creating the most value from your limited product development resources. One of my favorite prioritization frameworks comes from one of my favorite Coda clients: B2B SaaS chat and internet relationship management platform, Intercom. They created a composite score that combines reach, impact, effort, and your confidence (
) of those metrics to stack rank features and focus on the right development.
While RICE comes from Intercom, many other product teams like and use this framework to prioritize their roadmaps.


Below, you’ll find how to calculate the RICE score and use it to prioritize your product roadmap. The higher the score for your feature idea, the more likely it’s the best option to start working on. Like all ranking exercises, the formula isn’t perfect, and mixed with personal biases, can be bent in ways it wasn’t intended to be used. Even with the strongest sways of personal opinion, this framework will provide a positive shift from gut / opinions / passion conversations to debating about the actual mechanics that deliver great product: reach and impact constrained by effort.


Number of accounts (or users) impacted over a given time period.
How much this will move the needle on our goal.
The lift this feature will take to bring to market.
Level of confidence in the estimates for reach, impact, and effort.
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