💫 SupportReflective practice Workshop to launch the work
Reactive drop-in sessions/surgeries
🔭 ‘Fairer co-operative communities of the future’ shared design processScoping of potential partners to lead on the design of the vision
Develop a ToR
Interviews of shortlisted candidates and contracting
Research Takes Place
Research Finished 🎉
🦺💸 Practical Research - Participatory Grant makingDesk Based Research
Share and Build Workshop - Participatory grantmaking practice
Write practical guide on Participatory grantmaking practice
🦺🎓 Practical Research - World class in learningDesk Based Research
6 Interviews with sector leaders
Imagine Workshop with colleagues and funded partners
Internal IWA Workshop to synthesize inputs
Write final ‘deliverable plan for becoming world class in learning’
🦺 👟 How to involve young people the work life and decision making of the Foundation5 interviews - Co-op Group people, YAP and sector thinkers
Desk Based research. External and internal (learning from YAP)
Youth Participation - Options Paper
🦺🌐 Practical Research - Being a Co-operative Funder6 Interviews with other co-op Foundation leaders/thinkers in other countries
Discussion/webinar with leaders and thinkers
Write paper with recommendations on initial thinking and options
🎨 Designing the fundsPlanning of the design process
3 design sessions with colleagues, partners and young people
Write up of rough ideas and propositions to be tested and iterated
Iteration - interviews with 6 funded partners
Iteration - Survey for funded partners to get their feedback
Iteration - interviews with key internal colleagues
Writing of final funds into operational plan