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Training FAQ

How can I check if an invoice from a vendor has been paid in Vantaca?

To check if an invoice has been paid:
Go to Accounting >> Bank Register in Vantaca
Look in the "Description" column for the vendor name, or look in the "Amount" column to see if there is an amount matching the invoice amount
If there is a matching vendor name or invoice amount, that indicates the invoice has been paid
The "Yes" in the "Clr" column also confirms if the payment has cleared
For example, if you were looking to see if the latest invoice from Comcast for $253.71 has been paid, you would search in the "Description" column for "Comcast" or look in the "Amount" column for an entry of "-$253.71". If either of those is present, it means that specific Comcast invoice was paid.
If you don't see the vendor name or invoice amount listed, that suggests the invoice is still outstanding and has not been paid yet.
Following these steps to review the bank register will allow you to determine if a particular vendor invoice has been processed and paid, or if it is still pending payment. If you have additional questions, don't hesitate to contact Accounting for assistance!

What is the process for handling Certificates of Insurance (COI) for work done inside an owner’s unit?

When a homeowner is having work done inside their unit that requires a COI from the vendor or contractor, such as HVAC installation, follow these steps:
Save the COI document to the association’s documents in the "Homeowner Documentation" folder in Vantaca. This ensures that the COI is easily accessible and associated with the specific homeowner.
As an optional additional step, you may also attach the COI as a note to the owner's account in Vantaca, referencing the work being done in the description of the note.

How Do We Set Up New Service Providers in Vantaca, Including Those Not Fully Registered in Vive?

As a new manager, understanding how to accurately set up new service providers in Vantaca is crucial for ensuring efficient operations and compliance within our organization. This guide references key procedures outlined in the Vantaca support article, which can be accessed for further details
Getting Started with New Service Providers
Access the Vantaca System: Initially, you'll need to navigate to the Vantaca homepage. From there, select “Settings” and then “Service Providers” to begin the process of adding a new service provider.
Add a New Service Provider:
Click on “Add New” to open up the service provider details page.
In the “General” tab, you'll be prompted to enter essential information about the service provider. Make sure to fill in the service provider's name accurately and check the box to make them active.
Entering Address and Contact Information:
It's imperative to enter the complete mailing address and contact details of the service provider correctly. This information is critical for ensuring that checks print correctly and reach their intended destination without any hitches.
Pay special attention to the “Address” fields. Input the full and correct mailing address to avoid any future payment processing issues.
Handling Providers Not Fully Registered in Vive
Incomplete Vive Registrations:
For vendors who have not completed their Vive registration, still proceed to enter all the information available into Vantaca. This includes making a note in their profile about the pending Vive registration to ensure compliance and tracking.
The correct mailing address is crucial at this stage to prevent check printing and payment issues.
Vive Approval and EINs:
After a vendor receives approval in Vive, promptly update their Vantaca profile to include their Employer Identification Number (EIN). This is an essential step for financial and legal compliance and helps streamline the payment process.
Ensuring Accuracy and Compliance
Quality Control:
Always double-check the information entered for accuracy before finalizing the setup. Mistakes in address or contact information can lead to significant issues down the line, including payment delays and compliance violations.
Regularly review and update service provider information in Vantaca to reflect any changes in their status, contact details, or services offered.
Importance of Accurate Information Entry:
Entering vendor information inaccurately, particularly their mailing addresses, can result in payment processing errors. These errors necessitate additional administrative effort to correct, thereby wasting valuable time and resources.
Ensure all vendors approved in Vive have their EINs recorded in Vantaca. This not only aids in compliance but also enhances operational efficiency
By following these detailed steps to set up new service providers in Vantaca, you will contribute significantly to our company's operational efficiency and compliance standards. Remember, accurate and thorough data entry is key to avoiding payment issues and ensuring smooth operations. Should you have any further questions or require assistance with the Vantaca system, please do not hesitate to reach out for support.

How to Process a Bank Return in Vantaca

Identify the bank return:
Upon receipt of a new bank return processed by your bank, a "Bank Return Notification" action item will be created in your database.
The Bank Return Notification action item is assigned to the AR role by default but can be changed on the action item setup.
Open the attached document (usually a PDF) provided by the bank, which includes details about the returned payment.
Locate the returned payment: 2.1. Navigate to the "Homeowner" section and select "Payment Search." 2.2. Use the Payment Date range to narrow down your search results and find the payment that was returned. 2.3. The description field can be used to search for: - Check number - Last four numbers of an ACH draft account - eCheck payment
Create a Bank Return action item: 3.1. Once the returned payment has been located on the Payment Search screen, click the "Return" button next to the payment to create a Bank Return action item on the actual payment that was returned. 3.2. On the Return Item screen, input the following: - Adjustment amount - Adjustment date - Reason for the return 3.3. Click "Update" to submit the return.
Process the Bank Return action item: 4.1. Use the dropdown arrow on the left-hand side of the payment entry to view and select the owner's account. 4.2. Go to Homeowners > Action items and select the newly created Bank Return action item. 4.3. In the action center panel on the left side of your screen, click the "Return" button at the bottom. 4.4. Verify that the return is being processed with the money coming back out of the correct charge type in which it was originally applied. 4.5. Click "Update" to perform the return and post the transaction to the owner's ledger.
Apply return fee (if applicable): 5.1. If your association charges a return fee, navigate to the Association > Assessments section for the bank return action item. 5.2. Apply any necessary return payment fees if set up within the Association > Assessments for the bank return action item.
Communicate with the homeowner: 6.1. Step the action item to the appropriate closing step (e.g., Stop Payment response) to generate an email to the owner notifying them of the return.
Close the action item: 7.1. Once the return has been processed, fees applied (if applicable), and the owner notified, the process is completed. 7.2. Mark the action item as completed or closed to indicate that the return has been handled.
Vantaca completes all the necessary GL entries for you during the bank return process. There is no need for manual entries, as doing so may lead to double recording and throw the system out of balance.
Document the steps taken, including any relevant notes or attachments, for future reference and auditing purposes.

How to Handle Insurance Claims


This policy outlines the procedures Five Star Community Association Management LLC (Five Star CAM) follows in handling insurance claims related to property damage within units managed by our company, and claims involving common areas and also homeowners. This policy ensures that claims are managed effectively and efficiently, minimizing costs and maximizing the satisfaction of our residents.
Five Star CAM is committed to transparency in its handling of all insurance claims and will keep both the board and the affected owners informed throughout the process.

Policy Scope

This policy applies to all insurance claims filed by owners and the HOA for properties managed by Five Star CAM.

Responsibilities of Owners

Initial Claim Filing
Owners must initially file any claims for damages within their units with the carrier for their HO6 policy.
Owners are responsible for meeting the deductible of the master policy. Proof of expenses exceeding this amount must be provided to Five Star CAM through receipts or invoices/quotes.
Upon filing a claim with their HO6, owners are required to submit all relevant documentation to Five Star CAM to validate the claim exceeds the deductible amount.

Five Star CAM's Role

Assessment and Communication
Five Star CAM will assess the documentation provided by the owner to confirm it meets the deductible requirement. We may reach out to the the insurance broker with the complete documents to confirm.
Five Star CAM will communicate the details of the claim and the provided documentation to the HOA board for further decision-making.
Handling of Claims
If the damage extends beyond the owner's unit into common areas, Five Star CAM will handle the master claim for the common area damages at no additional charge to the HOA.
All claims pertaining solely to an owner's unit that exceed the deductible may be presented to the board to decide whether to proceed with a master claim or to resolve the matter through alternative compensations, such as direct payments from HOA reserves.
The Board will then direct Five Star CAM to move forward with filing a claim with the Master Policy carrier OR make a settlement payment from their Reserve account.
If a settlement is made from the Reserve account, Five Star CAM will have the owner sign a release waiver stating that there will be no further claims made for this incident and the owner must have this document notarized and it must be returned to Five Star CAM before a check can be cut to the owner. The full settlement amount will be paid to the owner, and Five Star CAM's claim processing fee will be billed separately to the association.

Fees and Compensation

Five Star CAM will manage the claim processing and administration for the fee outlined per our contract with the Association. This fee will be billed directly to the association.
If Five Star CAM does not handle this process, the Board will have to handle the claim, beginning to end. This includes all emails, phone calls with the carriers and owners and all matters pertaining to the claim.

Decision Criteria by the Board

Evaluating Claims
The board will evaluate whether to file a master claim based on the amount exceeding the deductible, the potential impact on insurance premiums, and the financial advisability of alternative compensations.
The board retains the final decision on whether to proceed with a master claim after reviewing the documentation and recommendations provided by Five Star CAM.
Additional Considerations
State Regulations
It is important to note that water deductibles are not mandated in the state of Georgia, though they may be included in policies. Five Star CAM will ensure that any new policies negotiated will ideally not include a water deductible unless necessary. This is a Board decision, we would just present them.

How do we set up new bank accounts for new associations?

Gathering Required Information
When onboarding a new association, collect the following information:
Name of the association as it appears on the Georgia Secretary of State website
Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the association, which can be found in their tax returns
Lockbox ID used in Vantaca for the association
Determining Account Types
Decide on the types of accounts to be created for the new association:
Operating Account
Reserve Account
ICS Accounts with a $150,000 threshold (if applicable, depending on the association's funds)
Creating a Standard Email Template
Create a standard email template to send to the partner when requesting new bank accounts for an association.
Important Notes
Requesting Research on Existing ACH IDs
In the email template, include a request for the bank to research the association's TIN to determine if it already exists in their system.
Ask the bank to ensure that the new ACH ID assigned to the association differs from any pre-existing ones associated with the same TIN.
This step is crucial to avoid potential conflicts with the previous management company's ACH ID.
Sending the Email
Use the email template whenever onboarding a new association and setting up their bank accounts.
Customize the template with the specific details of the association being onboarded.
Send the email to the appropriate contact at the partner bank.
Following Up
After sending the email, follow up with the bank to ensure that they have received the request and are processing it.
Verify that the bank has created the new accounts with a unique ACH ID that does not conflict with any previous management company's ACH ID.
By following this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Five Star CAM can efficiently set up new bank accounts for new associations while minimizing the risk of ACH ID conflicts. This process ensures a smoother transition and helps avoid potential issues with the previous management company's financial setup.

When does Five Star CAM send delinquent accounts to the collection attorney?

Five Star CAM follows the delinquency policy set by each individual association. Typically, the process is as follows:
30 days after the first missed payment, Five Star CAM sends the first delinquency notice to the homeowner
60 days after the first missed payment (30 days after the first notice), Five Star CAM sends the second delinquency notice, reminding the homeowner of the outstanding balance - 90 days after the first missed payment (30 days after the second notice), Five Star CAM sends the final delinquency notice, stating the balance and informing the homeowner that they have five days to pay the balance or the account will be sent to collections - If the homeowner does not pay the balance within five days of the final notice, Five Star CAM sends the account to the collection attorney - In some cases, there may be a delay in sending the account to collections. In this situation, Five Star CAM will inform the attorney of the original date of delinquency so they can accurately calculate interest owed (see SOP 3)

How does Five Star CAM reconcile their account ledger with the collection attorney's payoff amount?

The collection attorney will send Five Star CAM a letter with the payoff amount they have calculated
Five Star CAM compares this to their internal ledger for the homeowner's account
If the amounts do not match, Five Star CAM will make adjustments to their ledger per the attorney's guidance, such as removing certain legal fees or interest amounts that were already included by the previous management company
Once these adjustments are made, Five Star CAM's ledger should match the attorney's payoff amount
Going forward, a mismatch between Five Star CAM's ledger and the attorney's payoff is expected for accounts that had legal fees or interest added by a previous management company. The amounts can only match from the start for new homeowner accounts with no prior legal fees or interest.

How is interest handled on delinquent accounts?

For accounts that are not in collections, Five Star CAM does not need to calculate or add interest to the homeowner's ledger
- Interest is only calculated by the collection attorney once the account is sent to them following the delinquency notice timeline outlined in SOP 1
- If Five Star CAM sends the account to collections later than the standard timeline, they will provide the attorney the original date of delinquency and the attorney will calculate interest owed back to that date
- After the attorney calculates the interest and payoff amount, Five Star CAM uses that amount rather than calculating interest internally

How does Five Star CAM handle accounts with a credit owed to the homeowner?

In rare cases, once the collection attorney's fees are added, the homeowner's account may show a credit owed to them
If this occurs, Five Star CAM will send the details to the attorney to review and confirm if the credit is valid
The attorney will review Five Star CAM's ledger and calculations and provide guidance on how to handle the credit

How to Add a New User and Assign a Fob in the Brivo System

Log into the Brivo system.
Go to the "Setup" section and then navigate to the "Card Bank".
Scroll down to the bottom and click on "Jump to" to search for a specific card number. Enter the fob number to check if it's already in the system. If it says "Card not found," proceed to the next step.
Click on "Add Card". Enter the following details:
First number: The number on the back of the fob.
Facility code: Also found on the fob
Last card number: Same as the first number
Click "Add" to add the fob to the system.
Go to the "Users" section and find the user you want to assign the fob to. If the user doesn't exist, create a new user.
Once you've selected the user, go to their "Credentials" tab.
In the "Credentials" tab, click on "Card Bank and Choose".
Type in the fob number that you just added to the card bank.
Click on the fob number to assign it to the user.
The fob should now be successfully assigned to the user.
Remember to test the fob to ensure it's working properly with the assigned access rights. If the user needs access to specific doors or areas, make sure to configure those permissions in the user's access settings or by assigning them to the appropriate access groups.

How Do I Remotely Access the Door King Gate and Order Key Fobs?

What Should I Do When Someone Calls Me from the Call Box?
When someone calls you from the call box at the gate, press 9 on your phone to buzz them in and open the gate.
How Can I Open the Gate Remotely Without a Call from the Call Box?
Call the Door King system's designated phone number.
Press *16 (star one six) on your phone keypad.
Enter your provided master code.
Press 9 to momentarily open the gate.
Note: This *16 method works for each Door King system installed at different gates or entrances.
How Do I Order Key Fobs and Cards?
What Key Fobs Are Currently Compatible with Our System?
The 080 fobs currently in use are compatible with both the gate and pool access systems.
How Can I Determine Compatibility for New Key Fobs or Cards?
To ensure compatibility when ordering new key fobs or cards, physically inspect the equipment on-site at each gate or entrance.
Identify the specific hardware, such as HID or Door King readers, to determine the appropriate fobs or cards to order.
If uncertain about compatibility, consult with your supervisor or the vendor before placing an order.
What Is the Process for Ordering Key Fobs or Cards?
Once the appropriate key fob or card type has been determined, contact an approved vendor to place the order.
Provide the vendor with the specific hardware information (e.g., HID, Door King) to ensure the correct products are ordered.
If the vendor has questions or requires additional information, coordinate with your supervisor to provide the necessary details or schedule a site visit if needed.

How Do We Remove Prior Email Addresses from Georgia Secretary of State Corporation Records?

This process should be completed whenever there is a change in management or if it's discovered that unauthorized parties are receiving notifications about the corporation.
To outline the process for ensuring that all prior email addresses associated with a corporation are removed from the Georgia Secretary of State records, preventing unauthorized parties from receiving notifications about the corporation.
Identify the Need for Change
During annual registration or when taking over management of an association, check if notifications are being sent to email addresses of previous management companies or unauthorized parties.
Locate the Correct Form
Go to the Georgia Secretary of State website: sos.ga.gov
Navigate to the "Start a Business" section
Obtain the CD 705 Form
Download the CD 705 form (Primary Email Address Change form)
Complete the Form
Fill out the CD 705 form with the current and correct information
Ensure all required fields are completed accurately
Submit the Form
The form cannot be submitted online
Either mail the completed form to the Georgia Secretary of State's office or
Physically bring the form to their office
Follow Up
After submission, monitor future notifications to ensure they are only being sent to the newly registered email address
If unauthorized parties are still receiving notifications, contact the Georgia Secretary of State's office for further assistance
Record Keeping
Maintain a copy of the submitted CD 705 form for your records
Document the date of submission and any confirmation received from the Secretary of State's office

How do I activate a FOB in the Door King system?

Access Door King System
Open the Door King access control system
Locate the Association
Find the specific association (e.g., Lennox Green)
Note: Some associations may have multiple doors
Check for Multiple Doors (if applicable)
Click on "Share Info" at the top
Verify if there's a primary system (e.g., "Lennox Green Pool")
Note if changes to the primary system affect other doors
Find the Resident
Go to "Residents"
Search for the resident by name
Add the New Device
Click "Add Device" at the top
Enter the fob or card serial number
In the notes, enter: "Added [Fob or Card] [date of this action] [your initials]"
Click "Add"
Update the System
Click "Send Data"
Choose to update all doors or select a specific door
Wait for the system to process (1-2 minutes)
Follow-up (if necessary)
If the resident has multiple unverified FOBs, request that they send pictures of all their FOBs and cards for verification

How do I add a charge for a FOB to a homeowner's account?

Pre-charge Communication
Inform the homeowner about the FOB cost
Ensure the homeowner acknowledges the charge
Locate the Homeowner's Account
Go to the homeowner's list
Find and select the specific homeowner
Access the Homeowner's Ledger Choose one of these methods:
Click on the balance or overall balance on the right side of the screen
Click on the homeowner link at the top, then select "ledger" from the dropdown
Click on the assessment line under "next assessment"
Add the New Charge
In the ledger, add a new charge
From the dropdown, select "Access Control Fobs or Cards"
Enter the charge amount (e.g., $50 for a fob)
In the description, enter: "New fob - [FOB serial number]"
Verify the Charge
In the ledger, click on "transactions"
Confirm that the new charge appears in the account

How do I add a new resident and their devices to the Door King system?

Verify Resident Status
Confirm if the resident is the owner or a tenant
If unsure, check for a lease or contact the resident
Access Door King System
Open the Door King access control system
Navigate to the correct association (e.g., Lennox Green)
Check if Resident Already Exists
Click on "Resident Search" at the top
Search using the last 6 digits of the resident's phone number
Alternatively, use the filter under the phone column in the resident list
Add New Resident If the resident doesn't exist in the system:
Click "Add" in the resident section
Enter the resident's name:
For individuals: Last name, comma, first initial (e.g., "BOWERS, J")
For businesses: Use the LLC name
Enter the area code in the "AAC" field
Enter the rest of the phone number in the "Phone" section
In the notes section, add: "Added user [date] [your initials]"
Click "Save"
Add Devices (FOBs or Cards)
Select the resident you just added
Click "Add Device" at the top
Enter the device number:
For Fobs: Enter the full serial number
For cards: Enter the last 5 digits from the bottom of the card
In the notes, specify:
"Added FOB [Date of action]. [Your initials]”
Click "Save" for each device
Update the System
After adding all devices, click "Send Data"
Additional Notes
Do not give owners entry codes (leave the "ENT" field blank)
Always verify if a resident requesting multiple FOBs/cards is leasing their unit

How to Conduct Follow-up Calls for Proposal Requests

Objective: To gather additional information from community associations after they submit an initial proposal request, ensuring a tailored and accurate proposal.
1. Greeting:
1. Hello, is this [Requestor’s Name]?
2. Hi [Requestor’s Name], this is [Your Name] from Five Star Community Association Management. How are you today?
2. Purpose of the Call:
1. I’m calling to gather a bit more information about your community association to ensure we provide a proposal that best meets your needs.
Key Questions
1. Current Situation and Reasons for Change
1. Can you tell me a bit more about your current situation with your management company?
2. What prompted you to start looking for a new management company?
3. What were your initial expectations when you signed up with your current management company?
4. How do those expectations compare to what you are currently experiencing?
2. Key Problems and Major Concerns
1. What are the primary issues or challenges you’re facing with your current management company?
2. Are there specific incidents or ongoing problems that have made you consider a change?
3. What are the main things that keep you up at night regarding your community association?
4. Are there any specific areas you feel need immediate attention or improvement?
3. Pricing and Financial Information
1. Would you be able to share what you are currently paying for your management services? This helps us provide a competitive and tailored proposal.
2. Can you provide your current budget and financial setup? This will help us understand your financial situation better and offer a more accurate proposal.
4. Ongoing and Upcoming Projects
1. Do you have any particular big projects currently ongoing or planned for the near future?
2. Have there been any missteps with these projects under your current management?
5. Additional Information
1. Is there anything else you think we should know about your association that would help us better understand your needs?
2. Are there any documents or additional information you can share that would give us more context?
Thank You:
Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me and provide this information.
Next Steps
We’ll use this information to tailor our proposal to better suit your needs.
If I have any further questions or need clarification, is it alright if I reach out to you?
Contact Information:
If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information].
Thank you again, [Requestor’s Name]. We look forward to the possibility of working with Carlton at Hamilton Mill.

How to Process an Ownership Transfer in Vantaca

Initial Steps
Prepare Documents
Scan all closing documents received from the closing attorney, including the check
Save scanned documents in Vantaca's document library for the association, in a folder called "Closing"
Create Ownership Transfer Action Item
Go to the current owner's account
Start a new action item called "Ownership Transfer"
Set the current step to "Pending Owner Transfer"
Attach the scanned closing documents to the action item
Initiate Transfer Process
In the action center on the left side of the screen, click the "Transfer" button
Select the current homeowner (should be auto-selected)
Add the new homeowner if not already in the system
Enter name, phone number, email, and any other available info
Select the new owner once added
Set Transfer Details
Change the settlement date for both seller and buyer to match the date on the closing check
Remove the automatic $50 transfer fee charge if it has been paid separately
Complete Initial Transfer
Click "Update" to process the initial transfer
Finalize Action Items
Mark the Ownership Transfer action item as complete for both old and new owners
Document Storage
Ensure all scanned documents are properly saved in Vantaca and any other required storage systems
Additional Tasks After Transfer Completion
Process Buyer's Payments and Charges
Go to the new owner's account
Click "Process New Payment"
Enter check amount, number, and "Ownership Transfer" as description
Review closing documents to determine applicable charges
Allocate funds to appropriate categories:
Monthly assessment
Initiation fee (if applicable)
Initial balance (if applicable)
Any other association-specific fees or charges
If necessary, add new charges such as:
Initiation fee (if not already included in payment allocation)
Current month's dues (dated the 1st of the month)
Any other applicable charges identified in closing documents
Verify total allocated funds and added charges match the check amount
Reconcile Seller's Account
Process payments for the seller:
Verify final amount due and received
Delete any charges for the new month if closing occurred on the 1st
Delete any new charges applied to the previous owner after the settlement date
Transfer Initiation Fee to Reserves (if applicable)
If an initiation fee was collected and needs to be transferred to reserves:
Go to Accounting > Transfer Funds
Transfer initiation fee amount from Operating to Reserve account
Include unit number and "Ownership Transfer" in description
Check "Move Funds" box to ensure actual transfer occurs
Remember: Double-check all amounts and dates for accuracy throughout the process. If any discrepancies are found, investigate and correct them before finalizing the transfer. Pay special attention to ensuring that charges are applied to the correct owner based on the settlement date. Always refer to the association's specific policies and closing documents to determine which additional charges may apply to the new owner and whether an initiation fee needs to be transferred to reserves.

How to Use USPS Connect® Local Service


USPS Connect® Local is a service that provides businesses access to designated local postal facilities for same-day or next-day delivery at reduced rates. This SOP outlines how Five Star Community Association Management LLC (Five Star CAM) can utilize this service to expedite mail processing.

Benefits of USPS Connect® Local

Same-day Delivery: For mailpieces dropped off early in the morning
Next-day Delivery: For mailpieces dropped off 30 minutes before back door closing
Free Shipping Supplies: USPS-provided mailing bags/boxes at Postal Facilities
6-day Service: Maximizes order processing and shipping time
Sunday Delivery: Available in select locations
Expert Shipping Advice: From Post Office facility professionals and USPS representatives
Reduced Shipping Costs: Cost-effective shipping options for customers

Eligible Locations for Five Star CAM

Alpharetta Carrier Annex - Post Office™
Address: 1295 BLUEGRASS LAKES PKWY STE A, GA 30004-9998
Distance: 2.88 miles from office
Parking: LOT available
Drop-Off Hours:
Monday-Friday: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
Roswell - Post Office™
Address: 8920 EVES RD, GA 30076-9998
Distance: 2.4 miles from office
Parking: LOT available
Drop-Off Hours:
Monday-Friday: 3:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 3:30 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday: Closed

How to Use USPS Connect® Local

Determine Eligibility
Check if the destination ZIP Code™ is supported by USPS Connect® Local
Verify that the mailpiece meets size and weight requirements
Prepare Mailpiece
Use USPS-provided shipping supplies if available
Ensure proper packaging and labeling
Create Shipping Label
Log in to USPS Click-N-Ship®
Select USPS Connect® Local as the service option
Choose the preferred drop-off location
Complete the label creation process
Schedule Drop-off
For same-day delivery: Plan to drop off early in the morning
For next-day delivery: Ensure drop-off at least 30 minutes before back door closing time
Drop off Mailpiece
Transport the mailpiece to the chosen USPS facility
Follow any specific drop-off instructions provided by the facility
Track Shipment
Use the tracking number provided to monitor the delivery status

When to Use USPS Connect® Local

Consider using this service in the following circumstances:
Time-sensitive documents requiring same-day or next-day delivery
Bulk mailings to local addresses within supported ZIP Codes™
When reduced shipping costs are a priority for the association or homeowners
For consistent, frequent shipments to the same local areas

Best Practices

Familiarize yourself with the drop-off schedules of both locations to maximize flexibility
Establish a routine for early morning drop-offs to take advantage of same-day delivery when needed
Utilize USPS-provided shipping supplies to reduce costs and ensure compatibility
Regularly check for updates on supported ZIP Codes™ and service offerings
Maintain open communication with USPS representatives for expert advice on optimizing shipping processes

Additional Information

All employees involved in mail processing should receive training on this SOP
For questions or additional support, contact:
USPS Customer Service: 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777)
Five Star CAM Internal Support: [Insert contact information]
This SOP should be reviewed annually or whenever significant changes occur in USPS Connect® Local service offerings or Five Star CAM's mailing needs
Remember: Always verify the current drop-off times and locations, as these may change. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improving this process, please inform your supervisor.

How to Process a Bank Return in Vantaca - V2

Identify the bank return:
Navigate to "All Action Items" > "All Associations" in Vantaca.
Apply a filter to the "Type" column and select "Bank Return" to view all bank return notifications.
Open the action item by clicking the dropdown arrow to view more details.
Click on the attachment to review the notice from the bank.
Review bank return details:
Note the chargeback date from the bank notice.
Identify the reason for the return (e.g., insufficient funds).
Locate the returned payment:
Open the "Homeowner Payment Search" in a new tab.
Set the date range filter to include the chargeback date.
Copy the transaction number or member account number from the bank notice.
Use the appropriate filter in the payment search (e.g., description) to find the returned payment.
Process the return in Vantaca:
Click the "Return" button next to the payment in the search results.
Verify the return date and reason are correct.
Click "Update" to confirm the return.
Update the homeowner's account:
Click the "Select" button next to the returned payment to access the owner's account.
Navigate to "Homeowner Action Items" to view the bank return action item.
Click "Select" on the bank return action item.
Complete the return process:
In the Action Center panel on the left, click the "Return" button.
Enter the amount being returned in the "Adjustment" column.
Ensure the total in the "Amount of Adjustment" column matches the returned amount.
Click "Update" to process the return.
Finalize the action item:
Step the action item to the appropriate status (e.g., NSF for insufficient funds).
This step will automatically charge the homeowner a $40 fee for the bank return.
Verify the transaction:
Go to the owner's account summary and transaction history.
Confirm that the bank return and $40 fee are correctly reflected in the account.
If the return doesn't appear in the account, review the steps and process the return again if necessary.
Double-check all amounts and reasons to ensure accuracy.
Note: The system will automatically send an email notice to the homeowner regarding the $40 fee charge.
Remember: Always verify all information and amounts for accuracy throughout the process to avoid errors and ensure proper account management.
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