Five Star CAM - FAQ Document

Capital Projects

Who oversees capital projects to ensure quality, timeline, and budget?

Irrespective of size and scope, your manager at Five Star CAM will help oversee capital projects to ensure it is done right, on time, and within budget. At a minimum, we provide updates on all active capital projects in your weekly report. Here are other things we do:
We Develop a Detailed Scope: Every capital project must start with a detailed scope of work which forms a basis for the RFP we send to vendors. Your manager at Five Star CAM will collaborate with you to develop a scope of work that will help you achieve your goals.
We Hire Experts: For larger, more complex, or very technical projects, we hire a licensed engineer to: develop a detailed scope of work, provide documents and drawings included in the RFP; and provide project management services for the project. Though we can charge our hourly fee or a project cost percentage for project management, we prefer to save your association money by hiring experts in their field for the larger and complex projects. This also helps protect your project from change orders. We dislike change orders – especially when they are unforeseen or neglegted by the contractor.
We Align Expectations: Before the RFP is sent out, Five Star CAM will help the board review the project budget and ensure that the scope of work is aligned with the Board's expectations.
We Protect Your Association: For large projects, we always advise and help the association get a completion and/or performance bond for the projects. It ensures your project is completed at the price you contracted even if the vendor is unable to complete the project. We also secure lien waivers for every payment made to contractors working on the project. It protects your association from getting sued by subcontractors.
We Provide Weekly Updates: Once a project is underway, we provide a weekly update we provide, which does a great job in helping manage smaller projects and keep abreast of the larger and complex jobs.
We Document The Process: When jobs are complete, we ensure we get approval from the board before we pay off the vendor. We will make sure to store all your RFPs, permits, and relevant documents in your board portal.

Do you help put together budgets for large projects?

Yes, we assist in creating a preliminary budget and then refine it with the Board to focus on specific line items and their associated costs.

Can you help source vendors for large projects?

Absolutely. We vet all vendors for insurance compliance and provide them with the scope of work and RFP for bidding. We present the bids to the Board for review and approval.

Are you responsible for managing vendors on-site, and how much liability do you accept for the vendor’s workmanship and completion?

We manage vendor relations. We are not responsible for vendor workmanship. We recommend measures like including a detailed scope of work in your RFP, hiring insured and licensed engineers/vendors, and using lien waivers and performance or completions bonds on larger projects. Payments are made to vendors per the signed contract and after Board approval is provided.


What is the turnaround time to respond to an owner about an issue?

The response time is typically 24-48 business hours. Five Star CAM Takes Customer Calls 24/7.

What is the turnaround time for completion of basic needs?

This depends on the vendor and owner’s schedule, but we keep the owner informed throughout the process.
Vantaca Software Platform
Below I have added some very short videos from Vantaca on how your board and owners can use the platform.
Board Tutorial Videos
Homeowner Tutorial Videos


Do you review all payments, contracts, and community spends with the Board each month?

Yes. We provide detailed monthly financials, discuss ongoing projects, and completed ones. We have a dedicated accounting team, spearheaded by a licensed CPA with over 20 years of expertise in community association management. Our lead accountant also holds the distinguished Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM) designation from the Community Association Institute (CAI).

What type of spend requires board sign off vs. what you manage?

A: Per our contract we will approve up to $2,000 for necessary work – without board approval. All other work requires board approval. If a bill is recurring and more than $2,000, we will have obtained approval to make the payments when the contract was signed and accepted by the board.

Vendor Review

How do you handle the continued review of vendors to ensure they are performing?

Vendors are reviewed yearly for insurance and license compliance. We prefer to work with qualified vendors we trust to do a good job and require pictures on all invoices. Non-performing vendors are replaced.

Property Manager

How many properties does one manager have in their book?

Your manager will typically hold about 10 properties. Exceptional managers with more designations are capable of holding more properties because of their experience. Irrespective of how many other properties your manager holds, they are expected to respond promptly and efficiently to your associations needs. If you sign a conract with Five Star CAM to start on 4/1/24, your manager will be Angelina Amoye, our CEO. Angelina holds the following designations: CMCA, AMS, and Real Estate Broker. She will also be getting her PCAM in 2024. No matter the software platform your management company will be using, you should consider the designations of the manager who will be on the frontline helping you manage your association because it makes the difference between a great and a bad experience.

Does the property manager have a support person?

Yes. She has an in-house support team.

Will you become familiar with the PAA rules and regulations and respond to PAA owner questions without contacting the Board?

Yes, your manager is well-versed in Georgia POA, COA, and HOA law and will answer questions within legal limits.

How do you handle support when the manager is on PTO?

We are available 24 hours per day.

Property Maintenance

What other charges can we expect you to add each month? Is any routine maintenance included?**

All costs are outlined in the Exhibit A of the contract. Routine maintenance such as changing light bulbs or touch-up paint is not included.

Is there a schedule you follow to ensure everything is maintained?

Yes, we create a maintenance schedule for your association.

Who executes basic property up-keep?

Your manager, with input from the Board.

How often are property walk-throughs conducted?**

Compliance inspections are monthly, with a report supplied to the Board. Your manage also provides weekly updates on matters that needs the boards attention.
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