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Pricing Model (INTERNAL ONLY)

Service Package Comparison

Service Packages


The Bronze package provides critical financial management including processing invoices, payment collection, budgeting, billing, cash flow management, tax filings, financial reporting, and pursuing delinquent accounts. This alleviates the burden of handling complex accounting tasks. Bronze also offers communication services to resolve owner inquiries promptly, share community updates, and enforce violations when needed. This covers essential operations so your association runs smoothly. The Bronze package does not include compliance visits;\ attendance at board meetings; or bid procurement.
Services include:
Vendor Management - including 1099 processing & distribution
Invoice Processing
Web Portal for Board Members & Owners
Cash Management of Operating & Reserve Funds
Corporate Tax Return Coordination with CPA
Monthly Financial Packet (delivered by the 20th of each month)
Accounts Receivable
Budgeting Services
Assessment Billing
Accounts Payable
Communication With Owners, Including Inquiries, Welcome Letters, Announcements, Notices, Violations, Meeting Packets, Collection Letters, etc.
Process real estate closings.
Electronic Document and Records Management
Bank Account Setup, Management, and Reconciliation
Provide Owner Account Statements
Process Late Fees, Penalties, and Extra Charges as Outlined in the Governing Documents and According to State Law.
Process Delinquent Account Handover to Attorney or Third Party Collections Firm According to Association Policy.


The Silver package offers comprehensive financial management, communication, and governance services for your association. This includes processing invoices, payments, taxes, financial reporting, collections, closings, billing, budgeting, cash flow management, and account reconciliation. Silver also handles communication needs like inquiries, announcements, violations, meetings, welcome letters, and document management. Additionally, it provides vendor management, web portals, architectural services, bid procurement, and reserve study coordination. With around-the-clock support, monthly reporting, and attendance at your annual meeting, the Silver package is a complete solution to maintain operations, finances, and owner relations so your board can focus on leading the community. The Silver package does not include compliance visits.
Despite not providing compliance visits, Manager will still process alleged governing document violations reported by owners. Owners must provide appropriate documentation and photographs demonstrating the alleged violation. Manager will review the owner evidence and determine if it warrants drafting a notice for Board review. For complaints with sufficient owner documentation, Manager will prepare a draft violation notice and submit it to the Board for approval prior to sending to the owner. Manager will not visit the property to investigate or photograph the complaint. Upon Board approval, Manager will issue violation notices to owners. Manager will track responses and resolution of violations. Manager will provide the Board with monthly reports summarizing open violations and their status. Manager will not impose any fines or disciplinary actions without Board approval.
Services include:
Vendor Management - including 1099 processing & distribution
Invoice Processing
Web Portal for Board Members & Owners
Cash Management of Operating & Reserve Funds
Corporate Tax Return Coordination with CPA
Monthly Financial Packet (delivered by the 20th of each month)
Accounts Receivable
Budgeting Services
Assessment Billing
Accounts Payable
Communication With Owners, Including Inquiries, Welcome Letters, Announcements, Notices, Violations, Meeting Packets, Collection Letters, etc.
Process real estate closings.
Electronic Document and Records Management
Bank Account Setup, Management, and Reconciliation
Provide Owner Account Statements
Process Late Fees, Penalties, and Extra Charges as Outlined in the Governing Documents and According to State Law.
Process Delinquent Account Handover to Attorney or Third Party Collections Firm According to Association Policy.
One Annual Meeting Report Preparation and Attendance;
Architectural Control Processing, Including Requests, Submittals, Board Decisions
Monthly Architectural Report
Coordinate Bid Procurement With Qualified and properly Insured Vendors
Reserve Study Coordination with Engineer
Monthly Management Report
24/7 On-Call Support


The Gold package offers comprehensive financial management, communication services, architectural support, and robust governance for your association. This includes processing invoices, payments, budgets, billing, cash flow, taxes, financial reporting, collections, closings, and account reconciliation. Gold also handles inquiries, announcements, violations, meetings, welcome letters, document management, vendor relations, web portals, bid procurement, and reserve studies. Additionally, it provides attendance at up to four board meetings per year, monthly management reports, annual board training, and tracking of action items. With up to four compliance visits per year and violation reporting, Gold empowers effective leadership and community aesthetics. The Gold package is an all-in-one solution for operations, finances, owner relations, and strategic governance.
Services include:
Vendor Management - including 1099 processing & distribution
Invoice Processing
Web Portal for Board Members & Owners
Cash Management of Operating & Reserve Funds
Corporate Tax Return Coordination with CPA
Monthly Financial Packet (delivered by the 20th of each month)
Accounts Receivable
Budgeting Services
Assessment Billing
Accounts Payable
Communication With Owners, Including Inquiries, Welcome Letters, Announcements, Notices, Violations, Meeting Packets, Collection Letters, etc.
Process real estate closings.
Electronic Document and Records Management
Bank Account Setup, Management, and Reconciliation
Provide Owner Account Statements
Process Late Fees, Penalties, and Extra Charges as Outlined in the Governing Documents and According to State Law.
Process Delinquent Account Handover to Attorney or Third Party Collections Firm According to Association Policy.
Architectural Control Processing, Including Requests, Submittals, Board Decisions
Monthly Architectural Report
Coordinate Bid Procurement With Qualified and properly Insured Vendors
Reserve Study Coordination with Engineer
Monthly Management Report
24/7 On-Call Support
Up to Four Board Meetings per year
Up to Four Compliance Visits per year
One Annual Board Training Session (Virtual)


The Platinum package provides comprehensive financial management, communication, architectural support, and highly engaged governance services. This includes processing all invoices, payments, budgets, billing, cash flow, taxes, financial reporting, collections, closings, and account reconciliation. Platinum also handles owner inquiries, announcements, violations, meetings, welcome letters, document management, vendor relations, web portals, bid procurement, and reserve studies. Additionally, it includes attendance at up to 12 board meetings per year, monthly management reports, annual board training, tracking of action items, up to 12 compliance visits per year, and violation reporting. With extremely responsive service, frequent site visits, and attention to arising needs, Platinum enables proactive leadership and maintenance of community aesthetics and quality of life. Platinum is the ultimate package for complete operations, finances, owner relations, and hands-on governance.
Services include:
Vendor Management - including 1099 processing & distribution
Invoice Processing
Web Portal for Board Members & Owners
Cash Management of Operating & Reserve Funds
Corporate Tax Return Coordination with CPA
Monthly Financial Packet (delivered by the 20th of each month)
Accounts Receivable
Budgeting Services
Assessment Billing
Accounts Payable
Communication With Owners, Including Inquiries, Welcome Letters, Announcements, Notices, Violations, Meeting Packets, Collection Letters, etc.
Process real estate closings.
Electronic Document and Records Management
Bank Account Setup, Management, and Reconciliation
Provide Owner Account Statements
Process Late Fees, Penalties, and Extra Charges as Outlined in the Governing Documents and According to State Law
Process Delinquent Account Handover to Attorney or Third Party Collections Firm According to Association Policy.
Architectural Control Processing, Including Requests, Submittals, Board Decisions
Monthly Architectural Report
Coordinate Bid Procurement With Qualified and properly Insured Vendors
Reserve Study Coordination with Engineer
Monthly Management Report
24/7 On-Call Support
Violation Processing and Monthly Reports
One Annual Board Training Session (Virtual)
Up to 12 Board Meetings per year
Up to 12 Compliance Visits per year

Compliance (Inspections and Violations)

$200 per 100 doors plus $50 trip charge - $250 minimum
Drive-throughs by default
Common Area Walk-throughs (must be with a board member)

Additional Board Meetings

$300 per meeting plus $50 trip charge - $350 minimum
Management Reports
Action Item Updates

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