Business Development

Here are 15 ideas for business development activities that could help grow your community association management client base while respecting industry ethics:
1. Host educational seminars for board members on relevant topics like insurance, reserves, etc. This provides value and positions you as an expert.
2. Sponsor local industry chapter events. Gets your brand visibility among influencers.
3. Volunteer speakers for industry conferences and events. Great way to showcase expertise.
4. Write articles or blogs relevant to association boards and submit to industry publications. Thought leadership content.
5. Start a community association management podcast featuring industry experts as guests. Unique value-add.
6. Create free downloadable tools/templates/guides that boards can use. Helpful resources they'll share.
7. Offer student scholarships or internship programs related to the field. Gives back and builds brand affinity.
8. Sponsor or exhibit at large local home shows. Exposure to homeowners who will influence boards.
9. Host charity events supporting causes boards care about. Goodwill and networking opportunity.
10. Develop relationships with respected legal/accounting/insurance firms that advise boards. Partner referrals.
11. Join and participate actively in non-solicitation based networking groups. Make personal connections.
12. Implement referral rewards program for current happy boards and vendors. Incentivize organic referrals.
13. Conduct surveys of current boards on needs and publish results. Thought leadership and PR.
14. Create unique board member appreciation/recognition programs. Boost brand loyalty and word-of-mouth.
15. Develop free community association management toolkits/templates for current boards to share. Adds value for clients.
The key is providing value without directly soliciting. By building relationships, expertise, and goodwill, you can organically grow referrals. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!

Here is one way to sequence the ideas to stay ahead of typical board planning/needs:
- Host educational seminar on reserves planning (before budgeting season) - Start community association management podcast - Quarterly partnership meeting
- Write article on preparing for annual meeting (before annual meeting season) - Create annual meeting toolkit/template for boards - Quarterly partnership meeting
- Host seminar on insurance/liability (before renewal season) - Sponsor industry chapter event - Quarterly partnership meeting
- Educational seminar on budgeting (before next year's budgeting) - Create budgeting template/toolkit - Sponsor industry holiday event - Quarterly partnership meeting
This approach positions the relevant educational seminars and content tools about a quarter before that topic becomes top of mind for boards (budgeting, annual meeting, insurance renewals, etc). Let me know if you would adjust the sequencing in any other way or have additional suggestions!
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