Every year, a new iPhone. But at what cost? Over 6,000,000 dead and 7,000,000 displaced in eastern Congo due to cobalt. It's time to reckon with the human toll of our tech. #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #FreeCobalt #CongoCobalt #HumanCost @Guillaume0905Kl
Leaving Congo in this state is the epitome of ingratitude. The Congo Basin forest sustains our planet's breath, while its cobalt fuels the energy transition. When Congo thrives, so does the world. It's time to act for Congo's well-being. #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #ActForCongo #Sustainability @Guillaume0905Kl
Leaving Congo in such dire straits is the epitome of ingratitude. This nation, with its Congo Basin forest and cobalt resources, sustains the planet and drives the energy transition. When Congo thrives, so does the world. It's time to act for Congo's well-being and for a better global future. 🌳⚡️ #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #ActForCongo #ClimateAction @Guillaume0905Kl
6.9 million displaced in DRC due to ongoing war. Congo provides cobalt for energy transition, yet silence persists. No positive action against ongoing genocide. This is ingratitude. It's time to end the war in my country. #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #StopGenocide #EndWar @Guillaume0905Kl
Supporting the energy transition is vital, but it must be just. Not at the cost of others' blood. Act for Congo, the Heart of Africa. #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #JustTransition #ActForCongo @Guillaume0905Kl
"Child labor in mines is a crime. Energy transition and development shouldn't fuel social injustice. Let's strive for a fairer future. #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #EndChildLabor #JustTransition @Guillaume0905K