Break The Silence #FreeCongo
Christian José NKUPAR

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🌍 Silence is complicity. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the impacts of climate change are undeniable, yet too often overlooked. By remaining silent, we become complicit in the suffering and injustice faced by communities affected by climate change. It's time to break the silence, raise awareness, and take action to address the urgent challenges of climate change in the DRC and beyond. 🗣️💚 #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #ClimateAction #StandWithCongo ✊🇨🇩 @Chris_Kupa
You know It’s okay to say no. - 2.PNG
⏳ Inaction leads to disappearance. The urgency of climate change cannot be overstated. Without swift action, our country faces the risk of vanishing from the map of Africa. We must act decisively to mitigate the impacts of climate change, protect our environment, and secure our future. Every moment of inaction brings us closer to irreversible consequences. Let's unite and take bold steps towards a sustainable future before it's too late. 🌍🚀 #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #ActNow #ClimateEmergency #ProtectOurPlanet 🌱💪 @Chris_Kupa

🌳 Illegal artisanal timber exploitation in the DRC is on the rise, with impunity fueling its growth. This illicit activity not only harms the environment but also inflicts severe health problems on nearby communities. It's imperative to address this issue by enforcing laws, holding perpetrators accountable, and promoting sustainable forestry practices. Let's stand against impunity and work towards a future where both our environment and communities thrive in harmony. 🌿🤝 #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #StopIllegalLogging #SustainableForestry #ProtectCommunities 🌍✊ @Chris_Kupa

the key to my productivity #Let's not leave a Congo unsuitable for the development of human life to our children, Let's save future generations.PNG
🌍 Let's safeguard the Congo for our children's future! 🌱 We cannot afford to pass on a Congo that is inhospitable to human life to the next generation. It's our responsibility to act now, to protect our environment, preserve our resources, and ensure a sustainable future for our children and all future generations. Let's unite our efforts to save the Congo and create a world where development harmonizes with the well-being of all life. 🌿💚 #BreakTheSilence #FreeCongo #SustainableCongo #ProtectOurFuture #SaveOurPlanet ✊🇨🇩 @Chris_Kupa

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