Eightfold APM Take-home Assignment

Feature to Build

Feature Suggestions
Feature Prioritization

Prioritization Rationale

Impact - By what magnitude the needle will move positively by the solution
Ease of Building - Resources involved in building and lunching the solution
Confidence - The confidence in the expected performance of the said solution

Selected Feature: Career Potential Graph

Short Description - An interactive graph view for every role that visualizes how it fits in a career arc in terms of job titles, time spent in the role, and examples of current employees who’ve grown internally at Eightfold. It will show them the different career opportunities and paths a role can potentially lead to and the path previous employees took to get there, on basis of current and previous employees' data.
Goal - Once candidates understand the growth and opportunities associated with a role, they’ll make more deliberate decisions. This will increase the Avg. Match Strength for every open role and decrease the number of candidates who renege in middle or at the end of the process.

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