DesignOps Guide & Glossary (DOGG)
DesignOps Guide & Glossary (DOGG)

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Building a Team

The A-Z of building DesignOps teams
Building a Team Resources
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Management resources compiled by Tess Dixon
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A listening tour helps you learn what your team’s priorities are, and how much awareness and support for UX currently exists.
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Culture is an increasingly vital way for teams to differentiate themselves in a competitive design recruitment market.
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Kim Fellman talks about Design Leadership and DesignOps at the DesignX Conference in Toronto
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In this fireside chat, we'll explore design operations with two leaders shaping the practice of Design Ops, Kristin Skinner (formerly at Capital One) and Dave Malouf (IxDA). Alongside host Aarron Walter, InVision’s VP of Design Education, they’ll discuss org structure, design systems and governance, career ladders, tooling—and how Design Ops can help your team operationalize.
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Learn from Kamdyn Moore, the Global Head of DesignOps at Spotify, on how she’s growing and scaling the practice.
Courtney Kaplan discusses the need for DesignOps within growing design teams
Courtney Kaplan informs design leaders on when it’s time to hire a DPM.
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Learn how Dropbox builds their creative culture on their design team.
Learn how Dropbox builds community by leveraging the power of DesignOps
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Adam and Diane give an overview on 5 frameworks to help teams scale their DesignOps practice and ability to impact.
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Pat Bertini writes about how to introduce DesignOps into your design team.
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A lot of companies are investing more in design. As they do, the organization scales. As it scales, it has to operationalize, become more efficient, and plug into the rest of the company—but what makes all that possible? In this episode, Pinterest’s Head of Design Operations Meredith Black talks about the emerging practice of DesignOps, and how she introduced it to Pinterest

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